The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1543: Animal tide (13)

The Wicked Beast is a creature that has been born out of the Devil. Like the Mozu, they hate the power of the Protoss.

The gods of the gods are dispatched to attack the monsters with divine power.

The beasts seem to be very strong and strong, and the skin is thick and thick, but under the blade of God, their thick flesh is easily opened, and at the wound, a glimpse of white smoke emerges, and the divine power is The monster has a strong corrosive effect.

In the right way, this is called purification!

The beasts that collided with the gods, the fallen flowers of God, and all the people on the wall looked at this scene incredulously.


With the situation they expected, the difference is too much.

The reason why Shen Yanxiao let the gods first shot, is that she knows how terrible the effect of the divine power on the monsters, in the battle God made them, whether it is the day or the people of the four kingdoms. , can put down the fear of the monsters a little.

A soldier who has not dared to step into the battlefield, really on the battlefield, it is no different from sending death.

The decision of Shen Yanxiao is quite correct. The eyes of these people are not as fearful as before.

As the second assault unit, the demon will kill the day and support the battle of God.

Both them and the monsters come from the devil world, and they are very resistant to the dark magic of the monster.

The two teams were not defeated under the impact of the beast, which gave the rest of the humans a shot.

The last wave is the joint force of the four-nation alliance and the Japanese soldiers.

Overall, the number of battles on Shen Yanxiao has reached millions!

At this moment, whether it is a soldier who is not a day or a soldier of the Four Kingdoms League, they put down their hatred before and fight against the monster!

Only by triumphing, they have the hope of living.

As the most powerful sacred beast, 饕餮 睚眦 冲 rushed into the monster camp, the huge body is much bigger than the monsters around!

饕餮 This time, it’s not as rampant as fighting humans. It opens its mouth directly and swallows those monsters whose size is only a quarter of their size.

It is also wonderful to be able to destroy the enemy and fill the stomach.

And the smell of the monster is not bad, it is very satisfying.

That picture is simply unbearable.

The fierce and torn tears of each nearby beast, the heart of the killing broke out completely.

Hehe directly compares the way the monsters are swallowed, and the way of killing the enemy is particularly **** and brutal.

Wherever it goes, the bodies of monsters are everywhere.

The All-Fantasy team was dispatched and rushed into the camp with their own beasts.

The battle with the monsters is completely different from the battles of the previous four kingdoms. The alliance of the four countries pays attention to the cooperation, but the monsters will only be arrogant and rampant. The terrible of the beasts is the violent sweep of these monsters. They don’t even have to do it. Too many attacks, and the fight for one's own body can turn a city into nothing.

Shen Yanxiao's hands are not much, that is, Warcraft more, two holy beasts, a group of beasts, hard to fight the monsters are not a problem, the gods and demons are very familiar with the monsters, so it is not too difficult.

Although the number of monsters is large, but the body is also huge, occupying the place, they have no IQ, so they do not know how to cooperate.

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