The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1549: Animal tide (19)

Shen Siyu did not say anything more. He broke the sacred power of suppressing the millennium at this moment, and the strong force completely surrounded him with Shen Yanxiao and Suzaku.

Shen Yanxiao can feel that an unprecedented force is filling his body, and the constant sacred power is rushing into her heart lake.

Shen Siyu clenched his staff and jumped from the spine of Suzaku. His figure was suspended in the air, and a dazzling light rushed toward Satan.

Satan sneered, and an invisible darkness condensed into a dark sword on his right hand. He waved his sword and he ruthlessly beat back Shen Siyu's attack.

Shen Yanxiao flew over Satan with Suzaku, the longbow was in his hand, Shen Yanxiao took the arrow and pointed at Satan, and Suzaku unfolded the wings to let the flame spread over the earth!

All the monsters that are close to the rear are spoiled by these powerful forces.

The power of divine and the power of darkness are interlaced, and the flames dance. In the distorted elemental atmosphere, countless monsters are stirred into bolognese. Only the giant monster that Satan sat down is not moving!

Behind the battlefield, Shen Yanxiao, Shen Siyu and Suzaku fought Satan.

In front of the battle, the day did not fall but suffered a counter-attack after the monsters ran away.

The priest's shield on the knight's body has been unable to withstand the attack of the monster, one by one, the rupture of the light shield, and the soldiers are pierced by the fangs of the monster.

Although the demon is the demon creature with the monster, but in the single combat capability, it can not compete with the monster.

The middle demon who is also a beast type can't stop the footsteps of this group of monsters. They fight to resist, but the hard-boiled monsters are trampled into mud, and the corpses everywhere are merged with the scorpion at the foot of the beast.

A large number of demons died, and the entire left shoulder of the crane was bitten down by the monsters. The blood rushed out, and the indigo color rushed to the side of the crane, constantly waving the sword in his hand in an attempt to defeat the demon in front of him. The beast, but they have not waited for them to repel the former enemy, and there are two monsters on the left side that rushed toward them.

"Indigo, you go." The crane bite his teeth, his shoulders are completely gone, the wounds are bloody, and a lot of blood loss makes him realize that he has not had much time.

"Bastard! I won't leave you running alone! The bright continent where our brothers came together has experienced so many battles together. Do you think I will leave you one? Let's live together, die together!" Next life, we are still brothers!" Indigo, one hand tightly driving the weak body of the crane, the other hand stubbornly resisted the attack of the monster, his eyes were red, full of despair.

If he drops the seriously injured crane at this time, he may still rush out, but he does not want to give up his brother.

They are born together in this world, even if they die, they will die together!

Futu, Qiaochu, Demon Ji, Yi Prison and Zhong Ling tried to rush into the encirclement of the beasts several times, and rescued their brothers in the indigo, but the constantly evolving monsters blocked their way.

After hacking one, more monsters rushed, completely severing their hope of rescue.

"Damn! Damn!" Yi Prison and Zhong Ling killed their eyes. They and the indigo and the scorpion cranes lived together for thousands of years, but now they can only watch them fall into the trap.

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