The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1550: Animal tide (20)

More and more monsters are stuck around the indigo and the cranes, and the encirclement is getting smaller and smaller.

Indigo eyes are red, while protecting the cranes while killing the enemy.

A small monster, suddenly smashed out from the foot of a monster, it had to go up the legs of the crane, and the sharp fangs instantly pulled the whole leg of the crane.

A scream, overflowing from the mouth of the crane.

The indigo dribbling arrow hacked the monster, but sold his back to other monsters.

In an instant, the sharp corner of a monster went through the chest of the indigo, and a large piece of blood dyed the indigo of the indigo.

"Mixed... I... How can the blues die like this... humiliation!" Indigo bit his teeth and shouted, and the backhand pierced the chest of the beast.

The beast fell, and a fist-sized hole appeared in the indigo chest, bloody.

"Indigo... You go... ah..." The half body of the crane has been foraged by the monster. He squinted weakly and looked at his brother, despair and sadness.

Indigo is still holding the crane, and the tears of the bean are coming out. He is waving his sword in his hand and forcing all the nearby monsters.

"Don't die... don't die... we haven't played enough yet..." Indigo burst into tears, crying like crazy, but the breath of the crane is getting weaker and weaker, and there are always small monsters assaults. When the indigo came back, his hand was left with only one arm of the crane.

His brother could no longer travel with him on this continent.

"Come on! Come here! There is a kind of kill me! Kill me! Bastard!" Indigo completely collapsed, he stood up straight and roared in all directions, a group of hidden monsters The small monsters around me slammed into the indigo, and the indigo-long sword cut off the heads of these monsters. His body has also been smashed by these little monsters, and the flesh of the legs has been Thoroughly degraded, leaving only two bones.

No longer able to support his standing, the indigo fell, and he finally glanced at the gray sky of the ridiculous land.

I remembered the picture that I had flown with the cranes to the sun.

"Indigo, this place is our brother in the future."

"In the words of mankind, are we considered to be kings?"

"Count! Why don't you count!"

"Oh, then I want to be the boss."

"Get out of the way, I am the brother, I want to be the boss."

"I am older than you!"

"I am older than you!"

Brother... In my next life, can I still give you a younger brother?

I couldn't see the gray sky again, and the indigo's line of sight was covered by the face of the monster.

Instantly drowned in a group of monsters.

The high-level demon more than ten meters away, so watched the indigo and the scorpion brothers were killed by the demon corpse, this scene shocked each of their hearts, but also aroused the anger in their hearts.

"Kill you! Kill you!" Zhong Ling's eyes were red, and the knife was cut to the oncoming demon.

The enchantress has already burst into tears. She can't believe that this brother who has been mad with herself for thousands of years is actually dead.

Recalling that they had just met in the day when they did not fall into the city, recalling the playfulness of this pair of live treasures, the demon Ji heart was like a knife.

The death of indigo and scorpion cranes catalyzed the killing heart in the demon spirit.

They want revenge!

They want to tear this group of monsters!

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