The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1551: Animal tide (21)

The demon's runaway makes the battle more intense. The rain is constantly waving the staff, adding blessings and light shields to the soldiers, the demon's sharp reduction and the death of the soldiers, so that the beast's footsteps have come to Yan Yu's side. .

The white tiger is desperate to protect the back of the rain, with claws, with fangs, it tears one after another to try to hurt his master's monster.

The insidious little monsters have been lurking in the chaos. They stared at the thin human on the back of the white tiger. They slammed into the body and suddenly opened their **** mouth and rushed toward the neck of Yan Yu. past.

"Hey!" The white tiger stood up in a hurry, and the two front paws would smash the intestines of the small monsters that had been thrown over.

However, there are still monsters in the rear trying to kill the rain.

Yan Yu decisively added a three-layer light shield to himself, blocking all the monsters, and performing several blessings on several nearby soldiers.

The arrival of the blessing technique instantly restored the strength of the exhausted soldiers. They gratefully watched the powerful priest and then rushed into the enemy again.

A huge monster slammed into the white tiger, and the white tiger stabilized his body shape. Zhangkou blew a dazzling light bullet toward the monster, directly blurring the flesh of the monster's face.

The Wicked Beast seems to have discovered the role of the priest Yan Yu. They began to attack the Yan Yu and the White Tiger again and again. The White Tiger has been covered with scars, and the bright red blood has stained its white fur.

Several giant monsters constantly slammed into the white tiger, and successive collisions made it difficult for the white tiger to stand even. The light shield on Yan Yu had been broken and broken, and a small monster captured the opportunity. The broken light shield rushed to the severe rain, and Yan Yu swept the staff and flew the monster.

He wants to apply a light shield to himself again, but the small monster is constantly rushing to him, and does not give him any chance to display.

Yan Yu bite his teeth to repel all the small monsters, and with the gap, he immediately put down his staff, and his hands together summoned hundreds of blasting totems.

"Go!" Yan Yu snorted, and the blasting totem circled him and the white tiger, followed by a series of explosions that smashed all the demons around him into pieces!

Hundreds of broken, the second strike of the sacrifice is the most devastating one, but it has a huge consumption. Almost at the moment when this trick is used, the face of Yan Yu becomes pale as paper, and the pain of cone heart spreads to his whole body. He trembled and touched the medicinal pouch at the waist, only to find that in the attack of the small wave of the beast, his medicinal pouch had been bitten and all the remedies had been lost.

"The luck is really bad..." Yan Yu smiled and smiled. The pain in the body was not inhibited by the remedy. The pain almost made him faint.

Yan Yu was twitching on the back of the white tiger, and the white tiger immediately noticed the strangeness of the master. It immediately ran toward the direction of the Yangxi.

Yan Yu has completely fallen into fainting. Without the treatment of the white tiger family, even if there is no attack by the monster, he will die because the heart can not be loaded.

Countless monsters are in front of the white tiger. The white tiger simply refuses to take care of his own injuries and storms with Yan Yu.

Can't let Yan Yu die!

Absolutely not!

The white tiger roared and erupted a light bomb, and a hard road slammed a road. Its tail continually flew up the small monsters that rushed up and ran all the way.

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