The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1668: The demise of the broken star palace (2)

"This can be." Donaghy smiled. After he broke through the second turn, he didn't move with the beast. The ordinary opponent was too weak under his epee.

The proposal of Shen Yanxiao made the three beasts interested, and the blue-clad glass immediately entered the battlefield with Qi Xia.

Shen Yanxiao looked at the repairs on the side, and said: "Repair, what are the two church powers handed over to you?"

I have seen a person who has abused two people and abused ants. Shen Yanxiao is very curious, and what will happen to defending the two churches.

"Yes." A faint response, there is no ups and downs in the voice, whether it is the second strong, or the sacred strong, for the repair, are the ants squatting under his feet.

Shen Yanxiao smiled slightly, and with the promise of repair, she could let go and fight.

The fierce battle between the high demon and the second-turn strong has already exceeded any previous battle. Everyone and every demon is strong and horrible. This is a confrontation between the human powerhouse and the demon peak. Numerous magic lights illuminate the entire battlefield, killing the sound.

Long Zun and Zun Zun stood in the rear, and did not participate in the war. In their view, the demon who did not rely on Warcraft could not be the opponent of the broken star palace. The only thing worthy of their two shots was the sanctuary of Shen Yanxiao. Beasts, but after the battle began, Shen Yanxiao did not seem to have summoned Warcraft to fight, so these two very self-satisfied guys simply sat in the back, ready to appreciate Shen Yanxiao their demise.

"That Yan Yan Xiao is very embarrassed, know that we have a special deal against World of Warcraft, even a World of Warcraft does not call." Long Zun's face is somewhat relaxed, the heart of Shen Yan Xiao is hateful, he refuses to sink Yan Xiao quickly summoned the two World of Warcraft, so that he can come to a net.

Unfortunately, the enemy is too embarrassed and there is no chance to give him a shot.

"The little devil is also very good at the mouth. I really want to move my hands. We can find a couple of big-time professionals to put her flat. Remember to tell them that they should not kill her immediately after catching Yan Yanxiao. Mr. Ouyang’s face is still to be given, but this little girl’s mouth is so owed. After I catch it, I must knock out her mouth full of teeth.” The sages gnaw their teeth, they are the peak of the human strong, and have been there for a while. Such humiliation, even if they can not kill Shen Yanxiao, they must also torture her so that she can not die.

Just when the two men discussed how to deal with Shen Yanxiao, the elegant figure appeared in front of them.

Both of them are the strongest human beings, and the perception of danger is far more than others. They almost immediately jumped away from their original positions, and looked cautiously at the white clothes that did not know when they appeared behind them. man.

"Who are you?" Long Zun squinted at the repairs that stood three steps away. He felt that the mysterious man's breath was a little scary. Now he is close, and he can clearly feel it. An almost suffocating sense of oppression shrouded him.

This kind of momentum, even their palace owners can not match.

Is there such a mysterious powerhouse on the bright continent?

Suspended in the air, black hair with the wind moving, his eyes drooping, overlooking the two sacred strongmen.

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