The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1669: The demise of the broken star palace (3)

In the battlefield, Shen Yanxiao quickly found his own goal.

It is an incomparably huge beast. It is huge like a small hill bag. It is dark and full of countless tentacles. It is on the ground. The thick tentacles are constantly slamming around, and the high-level monsters around it are avoiding danger. Its tentacle attack, facing such a beast, even the high demon does not dare to resist its beating.

‘Modo, I didn’t expect to see such a disgusting guy here. ‘The Suzaku in the body of Shen Yanxiao also noticed the existence of this behemoth.

"This stuff is very powerful?" Shen Yanxiao asked.

‘It’s more difficult, you are careful. 'Suzaku's sullen opening, if he can come out, can completely use the air to advantage to beat this beast.

Although the size of the Modo beast is huge, the action is quite slow. The agility of the Suzaku in the air can completely avoid the attack of its tentacle. Unfortunately, Suzaku can't participate in the battle.

"I will try it." Shen Yanxiao chuckled.

The Modo beast is a high-defense sacred beast. Although its reputation is not as big as that of Suzaku, its disgusting degree is not inferior to Suzaku's reputation. The Moto beast attacks terror, except for beatings. You can also use a tentacle to roll people up and throw people out. Its tentacles have thin barbs. If it is caught by it, it will drag and drop. The tentacles of the Modo beasts are extremely lethal, even if they are knights with high defense and high defense, they dare not confront it.

The only good news is that the Modo beast has no magical attacks, and the damage it causes to the enemy comes from its tentacles.

It can be said that the Modo beast is a melee-type beast. It is definitely not the opponent of Suzaku. However, if such a meat grinder is placed on the battlefield, its lethality will be infinitely magnified.

Shen Yanxiao is very clear, she is absolutely impossible to deal with such a melee beast. She is in the chaos, looking for a relatively hidden highland, taking out the longbow from the Nayong, and the five arrows are immediately contributed. on.


Five arrows flew toward the tentacles of the Modo beast at lightning speed. Each arrow was comparable to a lethal blasting arrow. In the blink of an eye, the five tentacles of the Modo beggar were sunk. Yan Xiao lao shot, with a strong corrosive arrow, immediately caused a corrosive effect on the wound, a little bit to expand the wound, directly cut off the five tentacles of the Modo beast.

The traumatized Modoro animal made an angry roar. After seeing Shen Yanxiao according to the source of the arrow, a tentacle stretched and smacked toward Shen Yanxiao.

Shen Yanxiao immediately jumped.

With a bang, the thick touch on the rock wall, where Yan Yanxiao had stood, had cracked a huge gap.

The action of the Modo beast is slow, and it is impossible to capture the deep and sullen Yan Yan. The Yan Yan is like a jumping elf. The arrow is constantly changing, but the arrow on the hand has not stopped. The Modo beast flew away, and the hard advantage of the distance caused the damage to the Modo beast!

The people around the broken star palace quickly discovered the whereabouts of Shen Yanxiao. They immediately wanted to engulf Shen Yan Xiao, but the high monsters in the battlefield would not give them such an opportunity.

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