The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1670: The demise of the broken star palace (3)

All those who want to be close to Shen Yanxiao are all blocked by the high demon.

On the side of Shen Yanxiao, the Modo beast was gradually forced into a desperate situation. Tangazhi, Qi Xia, Yang Xi and Lan Feng Li each had their own gains.

Among them, the strongest fighting power is the killing of blue glass.

Shen Yanxiao must also consider the characteristics and weaknesses of the beasts in the battle of the beasts, but the practice of blue-fitting glass is quite simple and rude.

Whether it is a remote beast or a melee beast, this cargo can be hard against an intensive attack, throwing at that huge body, no sharp edge, no sword, he can use his own hands to directly penetrate the hard skin of the beast The hard wound tears the wound.

That long and decisive figure quickly became a nightmare for the broken star palace.

When the blue-brown glass tears the wound, it does not hesitate to plunge into the body of the beast, and the most intense damage erupts between flesh and blood.

In less than half an hour, two beasts have been torn from the inside by blue-rimmed glass.

A **** blue-brown glass, like a demon from hell, has been soaked in blood by his body. His eyes are cold and chilling, but anyone who has a broken star palace wants to attack him, he will be blue before he has yet to take it. The glass is torn in half.

"I went. I haven't seen the skills of Xiaofeng's brothers tearing people for a long time. It seems to be so ferocious now." Tang Naji saw the dead body lying on the edge of the blue-clad glass. None of the bodies were The complete, large piece of blood stained the soil under the blue glass, and the picture did not mention how terrible it was.

The war continued, and the side of the Broken Star Palace did not appear.

The Broken Star Palace does have a World of Warcraft to help out, and the number is far more than the demon, but thousands of these demons are war machines that have been self-taught, and the new demons they join under their leadership Formed a close cooperation, three-two-two combination attack, you can completely kill the number of their enemy.

The individual strength of the Broken Star Palace is strong, but this group of strong people are fighting each other. There is no possibility of any cooperation. Even if they are forced to get together, they are all fighting each other. The demon of the defense contends.

The original advantage was quickly chased by the demon, and a large number of casualties began to appear in the Broken Star Palace.

Several beasts have been restrained by Shen Yanxiao and they have not been able to form effective support. The high-level Warcraft is incapable of being attacked in front of the high-level demon. The poor broken star palace with less combat experience is being crushed by the demons.

The wind sages looked shocked at the crowd and killed him. He did not think that the combat power of this group of demons would be so terrible.

The Broken Star Palace is a strongman with more than two turns. It also takes World of Warcraft, but it is not enough to defeat the army of the demon. This is incredible!

When the pair is single, the person in the broken star palace may still be able to compete with the demon, and even get the advantage with the power of Warcraft.

However, once the demon and the devil form a cooperation, then regardless of the number of strong players, or more powerful, they can use the cooperation with each other to completely kill the enemy!

The war can never rely on the individual combat strength. On the battlefield, the cooperation between the comrades and the comrades is the weapon to kill the enemy!

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