The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1671: The demise of the broken star palace (2)

The Wind Supreme has been scared by what he saw. He hastened to turn his head and look for the Long Zun and the Supreme. In this case, if the two sacred strongmen do not shoot again, then the Broken Star Palace can really be planted. .

However, when the wind lord turned his head to look to the rear of the camp, he was stunned.

The two sacred strongmen who have been standing in the last part of the camp have been smashed into the air by a slender and handsome figure.

The four of the two were like a broken, generally soft, and a large stream of blood dribbled down their bodies.

That looks so clear is dead!

"How is this possible?" The wind stunned and looked at the two bodies that had been repaired in his hands. He couldn't believe his eyes.

The two sacred strong men, so silently died in the hands of a mysterious man!

The tragic death of the Emperor and the Supreme Master almost crushed the confidence in the hearts of the Wind Lord.

In the camp of Shen Yanxiao, there are still people who are so powerful to this point?

The sacred strongman can be said to be the highest peak of the top human beings. In addition to the existence of the gods and the closest to the protoss, the sacred strongman is already the strongest, and the entire bright continent is recuperating after the war of the gods. For nearly 10,000 years, the two sects have emerged in total, and it is conceivable how difficult it is to break through the realm of the church.

But it was such a powerful and tremorous realm, but under the hands of the mysterious man became a pile of nothingness.

There is no fierce battle, no fierce battle between you and me, and two sacred strongmen, so silently die.

If the Long Zun and the Supreme Masters are exhausted after the war with the mysterious man, it is estimated that the Wind Supreme will not be so shocked, but what is happening in front of them is such unbelievable.

That's it...

Quietly dead?

Looking at the mysterious man's face indifference, a white coat is not contaminated with a trace of blood, the wind sage can almost imagine, the two sacred strong, I am afraid that under the mysterious man's hand, even if there is no support, they are sent Into hell.

How powerful is this!

Suspended in the air, watching the two guys who had already broken their anger, and understated the body of the two men from the sky.

In the blink of an eye, the sacred and sacred people who were splashed with blood were thrown onto the battlefield.

The members of several broken star palaces that were still killed by the high-level demon, suddenly saw a black shadow flying toward them, and they immediately evaded the side.

Just listening to the sound of a bang, a body of blood was thrown in front of them.

It was a face full of shock and fear, and the picture before death allowed the expression of the dead to freeze at the last moment.

"Long Zun..." The members of the Broken Star Palace looked incredulously at the body that fell in front of them.

Isn't this one of the two sacred people in their broken star palace second only to the palace?

The moment before, Long Zun was still giving orders to let them attack, but after just over half an hour, he had become a cold body, and his eyes were dull, but like two huge black holes. Passing fear and panic to all the members of the Star Palace that saw him.

"Long Zun is dead? How is this possible?" The members of the Broken Star Palace could not believe that the Supreme Master who was so powerful that it was so dead!


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