The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1679: Take over the broken star palace (1)

Shen Yanxiao looked at the current situation and was quite satisfied.

The appearance of the repair has completely suppressed the arrogance of the broken star palace. If this battle is hit, the broken star palace will be defeated.

However, in the face of such a situation, Shen Yanxiao’s heart gave birth to another thought.

There are indeed many morally corrupt scums in the Broken Star Palace, but there are also many innocent people like the Su River who have been tricked into by the Star Palace.

Is it to kill the broken star palace, or to collect it for its own use?

This is a problem.

After three years, the Mozu will return to the world. If Shen Yanxiao now kills the Broken Star Palace, it is estimated that after three years, the entire bright continent can find more than two strong players, and no more than twenty. This number is really too small.

Shen Yan Xiao blinked his eyes and stepped forward. He said to the people in the broken star palace: "The once broken star palace is indeed the name of the human hero temple, but after such a change, the broken star palace I have been turned into a **** by the superiors. I believe that many of you originally joined the Broken Star Palace for the purpose of benefiting the bright continent. Now I will give you two paths and return to me. I will let you live and continue. Revolt, I will kill one of you, and the Mozu will return to the world after three years. You want to prove your loyalty to human beings after three years of performance, or hold a hypocritical organization like the Broken Star Palace. Go to hell, I will give you the choice."

"Xiao Xiao?" Tang Naizhi looked at Shen Yanxiao strangely. He did not think that Shen Yanxiao would say such a thing under such a good situation.

They wanted to kill the broken star palace from the beginning, but now, Shen Yanxiao has changed its original intention.

"Xiao Xiao’s words are correct. I think she should also know that there are still many people who are blinded in the Broken Star Palace. If they kill all of them this time, then our Alliance Army will lose some of its power in three years. The broken star palace has been defeated. The only enemy we have next is the Mozu.” Qi Xia has already guessed the feelings of Shen Yanxiao. To be honest, he is very surprised that Yan Yan can change his mind in such a short period of time.

It can be said that the grudge between the broken star palace and Shen Yanxiao is already deep.

The rebellion of the Suzaku family, the interception of the Dusk City, and the attack of the League of Four, one piece of this pile was the blow of the broken star palace against Shen Yanxiao.

If you change someone else, I am afraid that I have already hated to smash the broken star palace. Where will it be like Shen Yanxiao? When the situation is good, I still remember the life and death of the bright continent.

Qi Xia vaguely felt that after Shen Yanxiao entered the barren land, some changes have taken place.

She no longer only values ​​personal interests, she already knows the whole picture.

From a strong person to a true superior, the transition between them is subtle, but few people can do well.

A strong person may be able to suppress the Quartet and be daunting.

However, a successful superior can use his own personality charm to let the whole race fight for it.

Shen Yan Xiao is moving toward a superior, she is no longer a enchanting squatting with an impulse.

She will become a true commander!

The words of Shen Yanxiao brought a silence to the people of the Broken Star Palace, and the same shock filled their hearts.

They thought that they would die this time, but Shen Yanxiao gave them a way to live.

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