The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1680: Take over the broken star palace (2)

Is honest, or ruin.

Will be chosen by themselves.

The palace of the broken star palace has been unable to return to the sky. In the face of repairing, he has no courage at all. Even he has no courage to face up to repair. He has already converged all the momentum, standing in the same place, as if shaking. The next second will faint.

The pressure on the bet on him is enough to make an ordinary person suffocate and die.

Others in the broken star palace, look at me, I look at you.

In the words of Shen Yanxiao, they actually stepped on the depths of their souls.

I ask, when they just entered the Broken Star Palace, which one did not want to be a hero of the bright continent?

Which one does not want to contribute to the power of mankind.

However, after entering the Broken Star Palace, what they do every day is only cultivation, completely isolated from the outside world, and occasionally leaving the Broken Star Palace, they are also going to complete the task assigned by the palace.

Beat the four countries and suppress the rising power.

They can't remember how many bloods of their family have been dyed on their hands.

All of this is completely different from the superiority of their entry into the Broken Star Palace.

They have questioned and repented, but there are still many people who are stronger than them. They can't even control their own lives. They can only succumb until the annihilation of conscience, numbness and day after day. The days of practicing.

Their lives have become mechanized, and their only goal is to continue to cultivate to a higher level.

But after cultivating to a higher level, what they are, they are not known.

Three years later, the Mozu will reproduce the world, and this devastating news will wake up the inner blood of this group of numb people.

Guarding the bright continent, fighting against foreigners, and invading, isn't this their original goal?

A member of the Broken Star Palace slowly came out of the crowd. His face was old and seemed to be more than sixty years old. He stood in the middle of the confrontation between the two armies.

"I am the sage of the Broken Star Palace. I have been in the Broken Star Palace for more than 2,000 years. I have done a lot of bad things. I used to send people who are not strong enough to the laboratory to turn them into dregs. I I always feel that since the Broken Star Palace exists like this, then I should follow this pattern. Shen Yanxiao, the lord of the ridiculous land, I choose to return, maybe you will feel that I am greedy and afraid of death, and stealing However, as you said, the confrontation with the Mozu three years later is the final postgraduate study for me. My life has long been sinful. I don’t want to live a stable life. I just want to let me die in the battlefield against the Mozu. Up." The old man slowly opened his mouth, the speed of speech became the foundation from the gentleness, his eyes were slightly red, it was what he had done between repentance, and he was ashamed of everything he did.

Shen Yanxiao quietly looked at the first person who stood up. From the breath of the other party, she could feel that he had reached the peak of the two-turner, only one step away from the realm of the church.

"I will give you the opportunity to choose. I will not think about more reasons. After three years, whether the bright continent will fall under the hands of the Mozu will depend on your performance. This land needs our human guardian. I hope Don't be jealous of the identity of your strong." Shen Yanxiao smiled slightly and accepted his sincerity.

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