The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1681: Take over the broken star palace (3)

The old man slowly breathed a sigh of relief, and his purpose of conviction was no longer needed.

As Shen Yanxiao said, after three years, if the people who are returning to the country, with a lucky attitude, do not contribute to the war, then waiting for them will be the demise of the entire race.

Under the nesting, the eggs are preserved. Once the Mozu has occupied the bright continent, all human beings have only one dead end.

This is also the reason for Shen Yanxiao, willing to accept the broken star palace.

With the first person taking the lead, more people in the Broken Star Palace came out. They didn't say much. They just stood in the central position and expressed their choices with their actions.

One person after another has left, and the broken star palace has become an open space behind the main body.

Even the wind lords have chosen to return.

Once upon a time, the broken star palace, only one of the palace owners.

He looked at everything in front of his eyes in desolate eyes, looking at the choices of those people, he could only secretly gnash his teeth in his heart, but he did not dare to shake the points.

Because the protoss stood in the air above his head, as long as he dared to move, waiting for him was only death.

The only remaining 10,000 people in the Broken Star Palace have chosen to return.

Looking at the moment before they played with you, a group of strong people who died and succumbed to themselves, the hearts of Donnazhi and others were full of shock.

If the battle continues, even if there is a repair in the town, the broken star palace will fight to death, and there will be death and injury among the high demons behind them.

However, when Shen Yanxiao’s words were turned into jade, he avoided the battle of the field and even brought the enemies with such strong fighting power to his knees.

More than 10,000 strong people with more than two turns, this is the total number of all the strong people in the bright continent in the past 10,000 years!

Such a group of strong enough to shake the entire continent, has now become the power of Shen Yanxiao!

The single tree is difficult to support, the broken star palace palace main shoulders, he looked at the backs of those people, the heart is bleeding.

This is the broken star palace he has built for many years, but now, all this has become a sinister!

How can he not hate it!

"Shen Yanxiao!" Desperately let the palace of the broken star palace burst out all the courage, he clenched his fist and smashed the crowd after the Yan Yan.

"You know, I have the strength of today, how much effort! You know, I have done a lot of things for the power of this broken star palace, for the realm of this god! I will kill and live with me from the battlefield. The companions who came down and seized their strength have achieved the strength of my **** of law! I am willing to endure the coercion of Ouyang Huanyu and provide him with experimental products, just to cultivate such a group of powerful people! Why do you take it all! You But it’s an ignorant little devil! If you don’t have a Protoss to rely on, you can’t count anything!”

In his life, in order to gain strength, in order to gain power, he lost his goodness, killed his companions, and murdered his own family. He killed his conscience a little bit, in order to one day be able to rule the world. You can overwhelm the gods and become the supreme being of the entire bright continent.

But all this has been ruined by Shen Yanxiao!

Shen Yanxiao squinted and looked at the almost crazy palace owner.

"All you do is for yourself. People like you are not worthy of anyone."

She will accept the dedication of anyone in the Broken Star Palace, but she will never accept the Broken Star Palace!

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