The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1703: This world is fantastic (7)

However, without the Protoss, who else can bring together the remaining five races?

If there is no ethnic alliance, how can they compete with the Mozu by their human beings?

Despair permeates everyone's heart. Under the threat of the Mozu, their original fears are so ridiculous.

Once the Mozu appears, they will no longer have a way to live. What is the right to grab the land and grab the land? When people die, what is the use of these things?

"Lord Lord, if you are telling the truth, then we are now... how is it good?" The sarcophagus of the Shenfeng Alliance looked up and looked at Shen Yanxiao. His heart was equally desperate, but under this despair. He still has a glimmer of hope.

That is Shen Yanxiao.

Is this girl who is constantly making miracles capable of saving their race?

Maybe she really has a way, otherwise she won't be called.

Now, Ishigaki can only pray that Shen Yanxiao can turn the tide.

"Combining other races, once again forming an alliance. It is impossible for us humans to fight against the Mozu alone." Shen Yanxiao took a deep breath, she was not arrogant, and felt that she could fight against the Mozu by one person alone.

"But, other races have been reclusive. The only thing we have to contact is the elves, and... After the war of the gods, our relationship with the elves is not harmonious." Shijie had some difficult openings, his words. Not finished, not only with the elves, from the battle of the gods and devils, humans have almost sinned all races.

If they initiate a call, it is estimated that no race will correspond.

They only know that the elves live on the mainland of the gods. As for the dragons, dwarves and mermaids, they are not clear at all.

"This, without your concern, I naturally go back and find ways to contact other races. I want you to come. I want you to express your attitude. Are you willing to stand as a representative of human beings and negotiate with other races?"

"We are willing." Almost at the same time as Shen Yanxiao's voice fell, the king of the Lancang Dynasty stood up.

"Lord Lord, no matter what happened before, but your achievements are obvious to all of us. I think that in addition to the holy priest of the gods, there is only one who has this qualification to take up the responsibility of human beings." The king’s eyes are firm. He is not flattering, but facts.

During their so many years of reign, the superiors of their four countries have already wiped out their fighting spirits. They have lost their impulse to let go. Only Shen Yanxiao, she created so many stunned achievements in such a short period of time. Her ability and strength are beyond doubt.

"I will wait, I will listen to the lord's arrangement!" Everyone stood up and stood respectfully in front of Shen Yanxiao, bowing slightly.

It is not fear, nor is it to give in. This time, they are from the heart of the support of Shen Yanxiao.

They are all very clear that Shen Yanxiao is stronger than them. If Shen Yanxiao is willing to stand up and take on all this, it will be their blessing.

Shen Yanxiao smiled slightly, and the response of the four countries gave her a sigh of relief.

"Very good, then before joining other races, we must make good use of these three years to cultivate the fighting power between us." If you want to negotiate with other races and want to win, they must be self-reliant!

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