The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1704: This world is fantastic (8)

"Everything follows the lord's arrangement!" In the face of absolute threats, everyone has put down their own prejudice, in order to continue to survive, they are willing to let go!

Shen Yan Xiaodao said: "Then please train your soldiers after returning to China, and you must explore the potential and talented people and send them to the Undercity. Those people will get the most in the Undercity. A good cultivation environment, guided by the strongmen of the Broken Star Palace to enhance their strength, in addition, I will let people build magic towers and fighting towers in several important cities in your four countries, you can let you pick The good people who came out went into these towers to practice."

The reason why the strong people dying before the bright continent is that a large part of the reason is because the broken star palace absorbs a large number of strong people, talented people, no strong guidance and advice, and the improvement in practice will be very slow.

Shen Yanxiao asked the four countries to send excellent people to the Undercity, and these two-turned strongmen from the Broken Star Palace will personally guide them, which will naturally increase their strength.

Shen Yanxiao himself is a good example. If there is no cloud and no repair, she will never be able to reach this realm in such a short period of time.

The Magic Tower and the Fighting Tower are all made of special Lingshi, which will bring great improvement to the practitioners. This kind of spiritual stone is not uncommon in the ridiculous land. Shen Yanxiao has already brought people to all the cities in the ridiculous land. Built two towers.

"All the casting houses in the four countries must step up the construction of artillery. All the soldiers must step up their training. You must recruit enough troops to train the soldiers on the battlefield within three years." The invasion of the Mozu will surely As the target of attacking the city, the artillery is the most effective defensive weapon. Shen Yanxiao has already transcribed a few points of the artillery design that Yang Shi has transformed him. He will send it to the top players of the four countries and bring them back to build.

Shen Yanxiao’s preparations for the war were released and the speed of speech was steady.

However, the blood of the upper four people of the four countries is boiling!

Three years is their only chance. In these three years, they must throw all their efforts and build a strong defense.

The people of Shen Yan and the four countries talked about the whole day until the night fell, and the superiors of the four countries dragged their tired bodies to the place where Shen Yanxiao was placed.

Against the Mozu, they still have a lot of things to discuss.

On this day, let them have a complete improvement on Shen Yanxiao.

Shen Yanxiao is in their hearts, not in the enchanting temper.

She is a true superior, who can look at the whole picture and grasp the details of each place.

Shen Yanxiao said one day, her mouth was dry, she sat alone in the hall, frowning and thinking about the next thing.

The matter with the four countries is a foregone conclusion, but she still has a lot of things to do. Within three years, she must untie all her seals and help her find her body.

Once the repair found his body and returned to the peak state, even if Satan was resurrected, Shen Yanxiao had nothing to fear.

"There are still many things to do in the future." Shen Yan Xiao smashed the eyebrows. She didn't have much time to rest. Every day, she must use it reasonably.

In Shen Yanxiao's heart, the first thing to do is to restore the strength, and then she can follow the dragon to the Dragon continent after the Dragons recover.

Looking for her first allies!


Eight ends

I owe the update for two days. I haven't forgotten it. Some people say that I have to drag it to the next day. If I can write during the day, I don't want to stay up until 4 or 5 in the morning. Everyone is sleeping at this time. I also want to. Sleeping, I have to go to work during the day, the result of staying up late is that I can only go to work after three hours of sleep.

But I didn't dare to sleep after I finished writing. Because I slept, the next day was a full-screen three-character scripture. I didn't delete the message. I read everyone's message every day. I didn't think I saw more people. I just I can put on the shelf. If the code is also on the shelf, I have nothing to say. I have been very grateful to everyone for coming to see my text, so I will try my best to make up for it, staying up late, watching more people, and more.

Explain my schedule for this period of time, go to work during the day, arrive at home at 7:00, half an hour to eat, start to change the manuscript at 7:30, contact the painter at 10:00, and start thinking about today's update at 11:00. Now, I started to write, about 4 o'clock in the morning to finish, sleep, get up at 8 o'clock in the morning, continue to go to work.

Someone asked me if I had watched a TV series. In fact, I didn't have time to watch TV. I had to go to work and sleep all the time in front of the computer.

I feel that I am still playing big cards and being lazy. I said that this is my limit.

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