The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1722: Dragon's scum (3)

After the mermaid finished, he looked at Shen Yanxiao thoughtfully and raised his arm with one arm, leading other mermaids to sneak into the water and disappear into the sea.

On the coast, there is silence, the shallow abyss and the two dragons are immersed in the great sorrow.

Two thousand years of separation, but came back with such an answer, I do not know how desperate their hearts.

Shen Yanxiao did not urge the ascent to advance, she was very clear that during this time, the shallow abyss they need to restore their emotions.

There are more than one dragon of the Dragon's Eight Wings, but as long as the other Dragons choose to loyal to one of them, they will always follow their own Dragon King, regardless of life or death.

Compared with the king of mankind, the Dragon King of the Dragon is truly a human heart, and all the dragons under his command can go through fire and water for any of his orders.

It can be said that the Eight-winged Golden Dragon is a symbol of the strength of the Dragon, and it is also their spiritual leader.

After a minute and a second, two hours later, the shallow abundance straightened up the back and looked at the strange and familiar Qianlong continent.

"I want to find the small hall, as long as there is no death in his day, I will always look for it!"

The Dragon King and the Dragon are dead. The only leader of this tribe is the small hall of life and death.

"So, are we looking for the figure under the small hall, or go to the north first?" Shen Yanxiao looked at the shallow abyss, he was able to cheer up so quickly, compared to the missing small hall.

"Go to the north first, although my king is dead, but I don't believe that Longyan can kill all of us, maybe the small hall is saved by other dragons of our ethnic group." Even if there is only a hint of hope, the shallow abyss is not willing give up.

"You only said the dragon lion? Do you know him?" Asahi thinks about the dragon lion mentioned before Shen Yanxiao.

"He once saved my father's life. If I didn't guess wrong, my parents should be with him now."

"The dragon lion is the most trusted person of my king. Although he is only a six-winged silver dragon, his strength can resist the weaker eight-winged golden dragon. If the dragon lion is not dead, he should also avenge my king. He may It’s in the north.” Asahi played a spirit, and their small hall may still be alive. He will find him and call on all the remaining forces of the Dragon King to avenge their king!

"Then we will go to the north first."

Asahi nodded and looked at the situation today, he had to calm down.

"Get off." Asahi took a deep breath and he couldn't fall!!

In the moment when the voice landed, the abyss turned into a dragon, and Shen Yanxiao and others regained their backs on the back of Asahi.

Flying into the air, Shen Yanxiao can not help but look at this seemingly peaceful continent.

No one had thought that this happened after they arrived at the dragon habitat.

There is an infighting between the powerful dragons, and the rebels actually unite the undead, trying to control the entire Qianlong continent, and things that they would never dream of happen.

But she also feels very fortunate. If it weren't for the emergence of the mermaid, I was afraid that they would go directly to the depths of the Qianlong continent. If they entered the territory of Longyan, they would like to retreat. It may be.

In the Qianlong mainland, what kind of things will happen in the end, Shen Yanxiao is not known.

She only hopes that Asao can find the small hall as soon as possible, and she can see her parents as soon as possible.

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