The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1723: Encountering the undead (1)

In the shallow abyss, with Shen Yanxiao and others, from the periphery of the Qianlong continent to the north, flying at high altitude, can effectively avoid conflicts with mermaids.

When they stopped in the middle of the road, they encountered three mermaid attacks. They already knew that the original Ashen was not angry again, but immediately transferred and did not engage with the mermaid.

In five days, their journey has just finished one-half.

When night falls, Shen Yanxiao and his party will rest on the ground. In order to avoid encounter with the mermaid, the shallow abyss will sink Yan Yanxiao and they will go to the inland for a while, looking for a small valley to take a break.

Sitting around the campfire, Shen Yanxiao took out the food stored in the ring, and the two dragons were not far from the campfire, blocking the cool breeze for everyone.

"There are still five days, we should be able to find the dragons that survived in the north. After the shallows, when you arrived in the north, what are your plans?" Shen Yanxiao ate the dry food and looked at the shallow depths of thought, along the way. Both Asao and the two dragons are flying at full speed. It can be guessed how eager he is to find a companion.

Asao looked at the burning bonfire, and the fortitude of the face was particularly firm under the illumination of the fire.

"I want to see if there are any subordinates of my king. If there is, I will go with them to find the whereabouts of the small hall." The only one who supports the shallow abyss is the small hall.

"There is no death message from the small hall on the side of Longyan. I think he should still be alive. He still has not concealed the death of the dragon, in order to completely suppress the dragons who want to resist, if he has killed your small hall. Then he will spread the news." Shen Yanxiao analyzed the situation today, the survival rate of the small eight-winged Golden Dragon should be above 70%.

"Maybe he is already in the north." Yang Xi comforted.

Asahi shook his head and smiled bitterly: "If the small hall has reached the north, the mermaid they can't possibly know. Xiao Xiao's statement is the same as I thought, the small hall should not die yet, but I don't know where it is, as long as it is small. His Royal Highness is still alive, Longyan will not let him go, I must find the small hall as soon as possible, otherwise Longyan hurts him!" Asahi clenched his fist, his eyes filled with hatred of the dragon betrayer.

The loyalty of the dragons is so unwavering. Even if the dragon and dragons are dead, their subordinates will still fight to protect their children.

The dragons may have simple thinking and temperament, but they have an amazing stubbornness about their beliefs.

This stubbornness, in some ways, will give rise to amazing power.

In the dead of night, Shen Yanxiao and others sat next to the campfire, but there was no drowsiness.

Being in a strange land, I have encountered such a thing, how can they sleep.

Yangxi, as a dragon knight, is very sad about the civil strife of the dragon.

Shen Yanxiao is more worried about the Dragons and is more worried about his parents.

The dragon and lion are the hands of the dragon emperor. Longyan spares no effort to eradicate the power of the dragon emperor. The dragon lion as the six-winged silver dragon must be the first target, otherwise he will not cross the ocean and escape to the bright continent.

Now, Shen Yu and Wen Ya should be at the side of the dragon lion. If Longyan starts with the dragon lion, then her parents will be implicated.

The dragon's civil strife, she can leave, but whoever dares to move her parents, she will pick up whose bones!


Say no to go to sleep, but did not update or feel that my heart is not practical, and climbed up to continue to write, see how many chapters can be written.

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