The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1724: Encounter the undead (2)

There was silence in the middle of the night, and everyone thought about it.

Suddenly, Shen Yanxiao noticed a strange smell, and the breath mixed in the evening wind blowing her breath.

"There is **** smell." Shen Yan Xiao Heran stood up.

Others are on guard immediately.

In the past five days, in addition to encountering mermaid, they have not seen other dragons.

The night suddenly filled the **** smell in the air, bringing their nerves to the apex.

"Is there a **** smell? I didn't smell it." Asahi had some doubts, but he still kept the realm.

They are still in the area occupied by Longyan. If they encounter the subordinates of Longyan, they will be in trouble.

"It's very light, there." Shen Yan Xiao blinked his eyes. Although the dragon is strong, but the sense of smell is not developed, the blood of the elf in Shen Yanxiao's body is completely awakened. She is a pharmacist herself. The perception of smell is very sharp.

Shen Yanxiao immediately set off and rushed in the direction of **** smell.

Asahi immediately extinguished the bonfire, let the two dragons stay in place and do not move, and Yang Shi, Suzaku, they followed the footsteps of Shen Yanxiao.

As the distance gets closer, the shallow abyss has also smelled a faint **** smell.

This smell has been so light now, and Shen Yanxiao found out early in the morning that the sense of smell is acute.

Shen Yanxiao stopped behind a huge rock, and she raised her hand to let the shallows stop.

Through the cracks in the rock, they can clearly see the fire in the darkness in front of them, and the fire is constantly flashing, and they are coming quickly in their direction.

A rush of footsteps passed to Shen Yanxiao’s ear. Under the moonlight, the three figures were moving wildly. From the figure, two big and one small, but the running postures were extremely embarrassing. As the three figures gradually approached, the **** smell in the air became more and more intense. In the **** smell, there was a vague smell of rancid smell.

Behind those three figures, you can see that a dozen guys with torches are chasing them quickly.

Suddenly, a huge black shadow shrouded the earth, blocking the moonlight, like a big net, covering it.

Under the shadow of the shadows, a chill came down from the sky, making the night that was originally somewhat cold and colder.

Shen Yanxiao raised his head and found out that in the sky, a huge flying dragon was hovering in the sky.

In the right way, it is not a dragon, but a bone dragon!

The bone dragon is extremely large in size, and there is no flesh in the whole body. Only one black bone is left to support the whole dragon body. On the back of the bone dragon, six bone wings are stretched out.

This turned out to be an undead six-winged silver dragon!

Looking at the moment of the six-winged bone dragon, the face of Asahi was pale, no matter how the mermaid described the crime of Longyan, but when he saw the same skeleton resurrected by the undead, such shock could not be expressed in words. .

The bone dragon did not find Shen Yanxiao and others hiding behind the rock. Its target was the three escapers!

The bone dragon suddenly reduced the flying height, and the huge bone wing set off a gust of wind, and the wind blew the three figures' life path completely!

Soon, a dozen guys chasing after the rear have already arrived in front of these three figures!

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