The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1725: Encounter the undead (3)

It was a group of undead souls with death and death. Under the dark gray cloak, a pair of gray-white hands did not have a bit of blood, like a dead body.

This is the first time that Shen Yanxiao saw the real undead. In the bright continent, Shen Yanxiao’s known people, except Shen Jiawei, only the body of her and the blue glass were integrated into the power of the undead, but her undead The blood has not yet awakened, and the undead atmosphere on the blue-brown glass is also very thin.

Looking at the dozens of undead, Shen Yanxiao slightly narrowed his eyes.

The dozens of undead look different and look very similar to humans, but the gray skin looks horrifying, they can hardly see any meat on their cheeks, and the gray skin is wrapped around the bones. The sunken cheeks and the gray scorpions all made people feel awkward.

"Running? Why don't you run?" The headed undead sent a gloomy laugh, and the fire reflected on his bloodless face, which was very strange.

He looked at the three figures that had been blocked by the six-winged bone dragon, and the haze of his eyes was exposed.

The two tall figures in the three figures immediately guarded the little figure in the middle.

In the light of the fire, Shen Yanxiao saw the figure of the three guys.

The two tall men are already scarred, and the blood is soaked in their armor. The wounds on their bodies are faintly black, and the blood that slips out is black and black. A lot of blood loss has made them very weak.

But in the face of containment, they did not retreat a bit, and they protected the little guy.

"That is two four-winged red dragons." Asahi keenly noticed the identity of the two dragons who were incarnate, but he could not perceive the level of the little one.

The little guy was well protected by two red dragons, and even Yan Yanxiao could not see his appearance.

"Abominable undead!" A four-winged red dragon panted and stared at the undead in front of him. These dozens of undead are only the lowest undead, and there is not much fighting power. With the strength of his red dragon, it is easy to kill them. .

However, what really makes them feel a headache is the six-winged bone dragon that looks like a tiger.

Based on the skeleton of the six-winged silver dragon, the reborn bone dragon inherits all the power of the silver dragon. The six-wing silver dragon regulates their red dragons in strength. Even if they are two to one, they are not the opponent of the bone dragon. .

What's more, the long-term escape and countless battles have already caused them two scars. The wounds wounded by the undead have been eroded by a large number of deaths. In their current situation, it is impossible to defeat the six-winged bone. Dragon!

"Haha, hateful? Don't forget, it's not our undead, but your dragons who want to kill you." The undead sent a strange laughter, and it seemed that they were not in a hurry to kill the prey. "Escape for more than a thousand years, do you really think that you can continue to escape? You can rest assured that we will not shoot, killing you will be the same kind after your resurrection."

"You are a group of running dragons in Longyan! This kind of thing is not a dragon at all! The despicable undead, one day the Holy Light will punish you!" The red dragon screamed angrily, the blood that dripped from his wounds, already Soaked in his feet suddenly.


I'm going to bed

Update Chapter 11 tomorrow, what?

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