"Holy Light? Are you talking about the Protoss? Haha... The Protoss have been extinct for so many years, and your sad group still remembers the Protoss, wake up, the Protoss is gone! You will never have your gods anymore. "The undead laughed wildly.

The Protoss is the core of the six races, but for the undead, the Protoss do have nightmares.

The divine power excreted by the Protoss is the nemesis of the undead. In the battle of the gods and devils, the sacred legions of the Protoss let the undead army be wounded and wounded, and the most feared of the undead is the Holy Light.

As long as there is a day when the Protoss is there, the undead will not have a day to come.

The demise of the Protoss, it is estimated that no one is more happy than the undead.

"Damn!" The red dragon stared angrily at the undead, and they had reached the point where the mountains were poor.

In the face of a powerful bone dragon, the two of them can't compete at all. Once they die, then...

Under the direction of the undead, the bone dragon made a deterrent roar.

The huge dragons echoed in the valley at night.

Among the dragons, one exclaimed from the mouth of the two red dragon-protected little guys, watching the bone dragon getting closer and closer, the little figure shivering in the darkness, with a cry The sound of it sounds awkward.

"Haha!" The undead saw the reaction of the little guy. It seemed very interesting. They didn't rush to let the bone dragon shoot out the other side. In fact, they seemed to be the prey under their mouth.

"It's hard to imagine. In this dragon, there are still such timid eight-winged golden dragons?" Another undead laughed.

The four characters of the Eight Wings Golden Dragon said that the faces of the people hiding behind the rocks immediately showed a hint of surprise.

"That little guy is an eight-winged golden dragon?" Shen Yanxiao gave a slight glimpse. This news caused her thoughts to come out. She subconsciously looked at Asao and found that the face of Asahi had changed greatly.

Can it be said that the two little dragons protected by the Red Dragon are the children of the Dragon King and the Dragon King?

The undead just said that they have been chasing them for more than a thousand years, and it is accurate according to time.

However, although the dragon's growth period is long, it can take only a few hundred years to grow from a young dragon to an adult dragon. If the dragon and dragon's children are still alive, it is absolutely impossible to be only that big.

That little guy is obviously like a dragon who is still underage.

"It seems that something is wrong at the age." Asahi naturally knows what Chen Yanxiao’s conjecture is. Just the same moment, he also had the same speculation, but soon his heart also came up with the same inference as Shen Yanxiao. .

Age is not right!

"Perhaps the children of other eight-winged golden dragons?" Yang Xidao, Qianlong mainland can not only have a baby dragon born, not a dragon emperor's child, but also other children of the eight-winged golden dragon persecuted by Longyan.

Just as they spoke, the bone dragon had launched an attack on two red dragons.

The two red dragons immediately turned into dragons, and one of them took the little guy to his back.

The moonlight scatters and illuminates the child's face.

It was a panicked, tender face, and the delicate facial features of the five senses, the light golden scorpion filled with tears, and the tears of the beans continued to roll from his eyes.

It has been said that the Eight-winged Golden Dragon is the closest to the Protoss, and the light golden longan is the biggest symbol!

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