Shen Yanxiao and others waited for three days in the same place, ushered in another wave of chasing troops sent by Longyan.

Xu is because the dragons around Xiaojinlong are almost dead. This time, Longyan only sent a six-winged bone dragon and two four-winged bone dragons, along with a group of low-level undead.

This combat power was sent to Shen Yan's mouth. Before she personally shot, she was cleaned by three World of Warcraft.

After the death of the three bone dragons, the group of undead became a skeleton. Shen Yanxiao bundled them and interrogated them. The result was no different from the news provided by the previous undead.

There is no extra value, Shen Yanxiao let Suzaku send this group of undead to the Shuwangdian.

"Longyan's pursuit is directly on our side. Does it mean that the signal to them is Peas?" Yang Xi squinted, the other party did not chase them, but directly killed them. The group of undead before also explained, this time only the team was sent out.

Shen Yanxiao looked at the very well-behaved Xiaojinlong, who was "raised" by Suzaku, thoughtfully.

"It should be, but how did they do it?"

It was not long before Xiao Jinlong was born, and he began his life of escape. Even Longyan is not likely to do anything about Xiaojinlong. What's more, if he has the opportunity to approach Xiaojinlong, why not kill him directly, but What is the imprint on him?

The purpose of Longyan is to kill Xiaojinlong and cut off the blood of the Dragon Emperor. If there is a chance to kill Xiaojinlong, he will not do anything more.

Shen Yanxiao always felt that things were a bit strange. Although it has been determined that Longyan’s source of search for the target is Xiaojinlong, but the problems are more and more, many illogical problems appear frequently, so that she can’t infer the real time. the reason.

Looking at the ignorant little golden dragon, Shen Yanxiao fell into meditation.

Xiaojinlong has been hatching for more than a thousand years. According to the normal growth of the dragon, Xiaojinlong should have already grown up.

However, the current Xiaojinlong is no different from the ordinary baby dragon. Even his mind is still at the level of human children. All this is not normal.

"Do you really want to go to the north to find out the situation on the peas?" Shen Yanxiao slightly frowned, since they already know that the other party is using Xiaojinlong to determine the position, then they now bring Xiaojinlong to the north, for the northern dragons In terms of it, it will be very dangerous.

"Xiao Xiao." Yang Xi looked up at Shen Yanxiao.


"Repair... Can you... find out the strange situation in Peas?" This thought hesitated for a long time in the heart of Yangxi, and it took a while to say it.

"Repair?" Shen Yanxiao slightly glimpsed, she did not think about this problem.

It was like responding to the request of Yang Xi, repairing slowly, and condensing into a entity standing next to Shen Yanxiao.

At the moment of repairing, Xiaojinlong seemed to have sensed something. He suddenly looked up and looked at the man who had seen the extreme. The light golden eyes had a trace of elusive emotion.

"Can you find out what?" Shen Yanxiao is not sure.

"You can give it a try." The faint opening, the indifference of the golden dragonfly and the light golden scorpion look.

Xiaojinlong shivered slightly, subconsciously shrinking the small body behind the Suzaku, and holding the Suzaku's clothes with his hands.

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