Suzaku dragged Xiao Jinlong to the front of the repair.

Repairing his hand, Xiaojinlong shivered and narrowed his neck.

The cold palm was gently placed on the head of Xiaojinlong. Xiaojinlong was like the autumn leaves in the wind, and a pair of tearful eyes looked at Suzaku.

Suzaku chose to ignore it.

A sacred power is transmitted from the palm of the hand to the top of Xiao Jinlong, spreading along his body.

In the past ten minutes and a second, the repaired look took a subtle change. He slowly regained his strength and left his hand from Xiao Jinlong’s head.

The nervous little guy, suddenly subconsciously rushed to Shen Yanxiao, shivering and clutching Shen Yanxiao's cuffs, biting his lip and looking at the repair.

"What's wrong?" Shen Yanxiao looked at some weird little golden dragon and asked softly.

Xiao Jinlong trembled: "Pain..."


The sacred power of the Protoss is a favorite force for the Dragons. Not only will there be no pain, but the Dragons will feel very comfortable.

But why does the sacred power of repairing make Xiao Jinlong feel the pain?

"He has magic in his body." Looking at Shen Yanxiao, his brow wrinkled slightly.


"Magic is the innate breath of the Mozu. When they control the demon and the demon, they release the magic in their body, so as to exert deterrence on the demon and the demon, let them listen to themselves. The body of this golden dragon is filled with a lot of magical power. The demon has a special instrument for inquiring about the magic. The undead has always been a follower of the demon, and the demon of the demon can not be lost. In conjunction with the undead, it is very likely that the instrument is used to locate the position of Xiaojinlong." The expression of the repair is not too good. Although he is a soul form, if he has a magical appearance around him, he will not notice it. .

However, he did not feel any difference in Xiaojinlong before.

Creatures that are plagued by magical gas will be more or less abnormal. Except for the demon creatures, even the undead will be covered with magical gas.

However, Xiao Jinlong did not have any difference before this.

"The magic of his body has been integrated with himself. This power has been integrated into his bones. If I didn't use the divine power to probe, I am afraid I can't easily find out."

"Is it Longyan?" Shen Yan Xiao looked at the little guy hiding behind him.

Shake his head and shake his head.

"It is his birth."

"How is this possible? The Dragon and the Mozu are not very close, and the channel of the Mozu before the Peas was born has been sealed." Some of the Yangshu could not accept this explanation. The Mozu has disappeared from the world for a long time, and before Xiaojinlong also It has always been a dragon egg. After just hatching, it was forced to die, and there was no chance to meet the Mozu.

After a moment of silence, he slowly said: "The red dragon said that Jinlong’s mother had been seriously injured under the magic of the Mozu."

Shen Yanxiao has a slight glimpse.

"As far as I know, the strength of the Mozu Devil is only inferior to the devil of Satan. Even if the Dragonfly is injured by the Devil, it will be difficult to repair itself. If it is damaged by the Devil, there will be a lot of magic. Remaining in her body, during this time, she gave birth to a child, then the magic of her body will naturally transfer part of the dragon egg." Half-squinted eyes.

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