The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1752: You are not qualified to die (4)

Xiaojinlong had to cry, he was ashamed, and Shen Yanxiao’s opening was a great courage, but the silence of Shen Yanxiao repeatedly made his heart more and more uneasy, and the light golden scorpion quickly overflowed. Full of crystal clear tears.

She is angry, she ignores him...

Xiaojinlong panicked, and he turned his head and looked for help.

Yang Yan's mouth was with a hint of light smile, looking behind Xiao Jinlong.

He squinted at the side, and it was rare to let go of the food in his mouth, and he said to the stupid little golden dragon.

Xiao Jinlong’s doubts turned back, and he suddenly saw Shen Yanxiao not knowing when he had stood in front of him.

His small body trembled slightly, and looked up nervously and worried.

The cold face in the anticipation did not appear, and Shen Yanxiao’s mouth was already hung with a gentle and friendly smile.

"You are a man, the man can't just cry." Shen Yanxiao wiped his tears with a sleeve of Xiaojinlong crying with his own sleeves.

Xiao Jinlong washed his nose and stuttered and said: "I don't cry... I don't cry... You don't want to be angry with me... I don't cry anymore..."

But he said not to cry in his mouth, the tears in his eyes seemed to be desperately falling down without money, and there was an unstoppable gesture.

Shen Yanxiao smiled and looked at Xiaojinlong and squatted down.

"I want to understand?"

Xiaojinlong has a little bit of a small head.

"I will be embarrassed later, I will work hard to make myself strong and avenge them."

"Good boy." Shen Yanxiao raised his hand and licked the head of Xiao Jinlong. Only when she said it was very heavy, but it was also really angry. Life is so precious to Shen Yanxiao, especially so much. The life that the companion cares about, Xiao Jinlong’s soft voice touched the principles in her heart.

Xiao Jinlong sucked his nose and looked at Shen Yanxiao with a small mouth, trying to restrain the urge to burst into tears.

Shen Yanxiao's move did not know why, reminded him of his parents, although he did not see his father, but the blood is thicker than water, so that he is very attached to the love of his parents.

"I... can I cry again, the last time." Xiao Jinlong bit his lip and pumped the opening.

"Good." Shen Yanxiao nodded.

In the next second, Xiao Jinlong burst into tears, and wowed in the arms of Shen Yanxiao, crying and dripping.

Shen Yanxiao was crying and laughing, holding a crying angry little guy.

She actually knows his feelings and understands his despair.

It is just that no matter who you are, you cannot easily be defeated by frustration and despair.

Because, behind them, there are many, many people who care about them. They live, not only for themselves but also for those who care about themselves and give their lives to their parents.

Xiao Jinlong’s heart knot was untied, and he cried for a long time in Shen Yan’s arms, and eventually he was overwhelmed by physical exhaustion.

Holding a sleepy little guy, Shen Yanxiao looked into the distance and wondered what he was thinking.

There is still a distance to the road to the north. The magical spirit of Xiaojinlong’s body is temporarily unable to be traced. They must hurry and fly to the north.

Only by replacing Xiao Jinlong's blood can he be freed from the magical torture and become a real eight-winged golden dragon!


Eight ends

During the maintenance of the hoof, the mother was strictly prohibited from staying up late, so the update time was adjusted from the early morning to the afternoon and evening. Before the hoof recovered, it was necessary to sleep before twelve o'clock. The update during this period will also be before 12 o'clock in the evening. Finish.

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