The magic of Xiaojinlong was suppressed. Longyan could not trace his position. After more than a thousand years of pursuit, he finally stopped.

During this time, Suzaku took Shen Yanxiao and others to fly quickly toward the northern part of the Qianlong continent. On the way, they flew high, and saw a few bone dragons in the air for a purposeless search. Obviously, the position of Xiaojinlong has been completely hidden, and Longyan has been as impatient as the ants on the hot pot.

The road to the north was unimpeded, and Shen Yanxiao finally arrived in the northern area seven days later.

However, hesitating Shen Yanxiao is not clear where the dragons are hiding. After reaching the north, they have to continue to look for the whereabouts of other dragons in the air.

Finally, they found a huge valley. In the valley, a large group of dragons gathered together. At first glance, the vast valley was leaked by countless dragons.

"I was the first time I saw... so many dragons." Yang Xi tried hard to calm the heart.

This is simply the paradise of the Dragon Knight!

The robust earth dragon, the two-winged dragons hovering in the sky, the high dragons that have been transformed into human beings on the earth, all this is enough to make all the dragon knights of the bright continent roar loudly.

The long dragons spread throughout the valley and could not see the head at a glance.

In the center of the Dragons, a group of high-class dragons who are incarnate as human beings are gathering together. They vaguely see what seems to be a dispute between the group of high dragons. The two sides are arguing.

"What are they making?" Yang Xi slightly frowned.

Shen Yanxiao did not rush to go down, but observed it. As a result, she saw a familiar figure in the camp where the two parties quarreled.

"Shallow Depth?" Shen Yanxiao slightly glimpsed, in the valley, the shallow abyss is arguing with a eight-winged golden dragon with a light golden scorpion. As a four-winged red dragon, there is a courage to provoke the eight-winged golden dragon, which is really rare. see.

"Let's go down and see." Regardless of the reason for the quarrel, Shen Yanxiao is standing in the camp of Asahi.

Suzaku immediately lowered the flying height, and the flame underneath the body caused the surrounding air to heat up. The dragons in the chaos felt the anomalies in the air. They looked up and looked at the shadows over the sky, a huge fire. The bird is rushing into the valley quickly.

There was a commotion in the dragons immediately.

A few touches of the figure, suddenly descended from the sky, dexterously fell to the side of the shallow abyss.

The abyss of the red-faced red, which was just battling with the Eight-winged Golden Dragon, immediately revealed a hint of surprise after seeing the faces of Shen Yanxiao and others.

"Xiao Xiao! Are you okay?" Asahi was excited to see Xiao Jinlong, who was intact in the face of Shen Yanxiao.

Xiao Jinlong is still a bit shy, he is close to Shen Yanxiao, the small hand is dying of Shen Yanxiao's sleeves because of nervousness.

"Nothing." Shen Yanxiao smiled slightly.

Shen Yanxiao's appearance attracted the attention of the dragons around him. The lowest dragons in the four weeks were also the four-winged red dragons with the incarnation ability. They easily felt a little from the Yan Yan Xiao who did not belong to the dragon.

In addition to the little gold dragon, the other is not human, it is Warcraft!

The dragons are not too friendly to humans, and for a moment, a group of four-winged red dragons will be surrounded by Shen Yanxiao.

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