Hall stared at the sudden appearance of a group of **** who could take their goals into their arms. As a result, the two humans actually disrupted his plan with three tyrannical Warcraft.

The flames in the sky are shining, thunder and lightning, and the pieces of bone **** fall like rain.

On the earth, the big and amazing World of Warcraft chased the undead, and the dead spirits were full of deadly attacks. They didn’t have any effect on it. Don’t say that they hurt the other side, even the skin of the giant beast was not broken.

In the end, where is the killing of God, do you want to be so ferocious!

Shen Yanxiao and Yang Shi looked at each other and found that they didn't seem to have anything. They immediately found their location in Wenya.

At the foot of Shen Yanxiao, a wind rushed in the direction of his mother.

The Wenya and Junyi men who were originally besieged by the undead suddenly saw the arrival of the reinforcements. The three dead bodies of the gods and the beasts did not stay. The frightened souls did not continue to besiege them and fled one by one.

"Xiaoya." The man's clear scorpion stared at the petite figure that was approaching quickly, and his eyes sparkled with a trace of surprise.


"That one……"

"Your daughter."

"..." The man who could keep the smile of 101 in the fight, finally showed a bit of rigidity.

"Mother! Are you okay?" Shen Yanxiao came to Wenya in a blink of an eye, nervously looked up and down Wenya, and determined that the other party was unscathed, then he was relieved.

"I'm fine." Wenya looked at the daughter she hadn't seen for a long time, and the excitement in her eyes was hard to hide.

"You have grown taller, but you are also thinner. But how tired?" Wenya reached out and touched Xiaoyan's small face. This beautiful face was so thin and exhausted in her mother's eyes.

"I am very good, my mother is worried." Shen Yanxiao smiled.

"How come you? I heard from Asao that I came to Qianlong mainland and are preparing to go to you, but I didn't expect to encounter this group of undead in the middle of the road." Wenya knows the moment of Shen Yanxiao in the Qianlong continent. I can't wait for almost a minute.

"I went to the north and knew that you were besieged. This came over."

"It’s really grown up." Wenya’s eyes were smiling, and she gently touched Xiaoyan’s small head.

The man on the side was already stiff as a fossil, and there was no snoring for a long time.

"Come and see your father." Wenya wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, and took the small hand of Shen Yanxiao to walk to the man.

Shen Yu looked at the girl standing in front of her, she was still so petite, but the body has already exuded a wise atmosphere, the pair of clear scorpions can not find a trace of tenderness.

"Little Xiaoer?" Shen Yu's voice appeared a trembling.

"Father." Shen Yanxiao's voice also has some ups and downs.

Father, past and present, for the first time, calling someone like this.

Shen Yu smiled, and the smile on the beautiful face was enough to melt the snow in the cold winter. He stepped forward and opened his arms, and the little daughter who had his own blood was in his arms.

"I finally saw you."

A family reunion, Yang Xi silently stood aside, and his heart was filled with Yan Yan Xiao happy.

As for the battlefields of the sky and the land, I will hand it over to the three guys who are afraid of the world.

A family is happy here, completely forgetting that they are still on the battlefield.


Eight ends

During these two days, I took the time to recover from the injury and read it again. From the beginning to the present, I was gratified and inadequate. From November last year to August this year, everyone accompanied me through the nine-month period. .

At the beginning of the lack of writing, I tried to correct, let the next story become more compact, abandon the flaws of the cockroach, and take out the essence of the plot.

The story of Qianlong’s mainland will be very fast.

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