The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1761: Dragon King Order (1)

Shen Yanxiao, they forgot, but Hall will not forget, seeing the undead army that they have gathered so hard, retreat under the siege of the three World of Warcraft, he has the urge to die.

"Hall, we... do we want to retreat?" The low-level undead looked at the situation very nervous.

Hall gnawed his teeth and looked at the few World of Warcraft, and I wished they would be swallowed up!

If there is anything in the world that the undead spell can't be resurrected, then it is Warcraft!

If you kill these Warcraft, you must be killed and wounded. He has to pull a large number of undead, but the result is that he can't resurrect the other person into a man. This kind of damage and income gap is too big. If you go back and be known by other high-ranking undead, you will definitely want to He looks good.

The purpose of this time is to find the children of the Dragon Emperor. It is best to collect the dragon lion and the two people. If it is too expensive, it will not be worth the loss.

"Withdraw!" Hall shredded the roots and could only choose to retire.

Hall decided to retreat, and a large number of undead and bone dragons immediately fled the battlefield.

He took the opportunity to eat the sea, but unfortunately did not eat enough, the other party ran, he was not happy.

Above the sky, there are no other flying creatures except the Dragon Lion, Suzaku and Green Dragon.

After determining security, the three of them landed.

After the dragon lion became a human figure, the body was extremely tall, the knife-like face was aggressive, but the handsome but not mad, very restrained.

"Jade, is this?" The dragon lion was above the sky and saw the picture of the human girl and Shen Yu, who was warm and elegant. He had signed a contract with Shen Yu and felt the excitement in Shen Yu's heart.

Shen Yu stopped her hand on Shen Yanxiao’s shoulder and said to her friend: “My daughter, Shen Yanxiao.”

The dragon lion's eyes flashed a little surprised.

"Uncle Long Lion, thank you for saving my father that year!" Shen Yanxiao smiled and opened the dragon lion.

"That is what it should be." The dragon lion smiled and his eyes were very appreciative to Shen Yanxiao. Only then did they get into a hard fight. If it wasn’t for Shen Yanxiao with three beasts, I was afraid that they would be damaged. Here is.

Shen Yu’s daughter is so good, how can he be upset?

"Jade, you have a good daughter." The dragon lion did not hide his appreciation for Shen Yanxiao.

"That is of course, you don't see who was born." Shen Yu proudly stood up in his chest, and the years did not leave a trace on his handsome face. He and Wenya looked like they were in their twenties. Zhengmao.

"I was born." Wen Ya's cold mouth.

The dragon and the lion laughed.

Shen Yu looked at her wife with a smile.

"Well, it’s out of your stomach. The lady is really amazing!"

Shen Yanxiao was crying and laughing and watching her parents get along. Shen Yu’s humor did not make her feel a little nervous and distance. She liked this humorous and elegant father more and more.

"Dragon and Lion, you are all right!" Asahi took the little golden dragon and rushed from afar. When Shen Yanxiao rescued them, he was arranged to look after the small hall in the rear and witnessed the three beasts to the undead. Suppressed, he was admired by Shen Yanxiao.

"Shallow Depth?" The Dragon Lion did not expect that Asahi will come, and when he saw Xiaojinlong in the hand of Asahi, his face suddenly changed.

The dragon lion stepped forward and squatted in front of Xiao Jinlong.

"The dragon lion, who failed to take care of the small hall, is the fault of his subordinate!"


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