When night falls, the darkness hangs over the earth, and the ridiculous land falls into silence. From the sky, in the darkness, in this vast area, a cluster of fire shines like a star in the sky.

This night, the five main cities of the ridiculous land have no rest. Each of them, every demon, every undead has walked to the streets of the city. They hold a fire lamp in their hands and they gather on the street. The bonfire piled up on the street lit up, the fire illuminates the whole city, and the white flowers are dotted on the sides of the street. All of them are dressed in white, wearing black cloaks, and devoutly holding the fires of the spirits in their hands.

This is the first day of the war between the Alliance Army and the Mozu. It is also a day that people can never forget. Today, too many people have passed away. Too many comrades have dedicated their lives in battle. On this day, there is no The boundaries of race, humanity, Warcraft, demon, and undead are all here. This ridiculous land has become the eternal brother. They joined hands and swear to fight against the enemy.

They will remain in the hearts of everyone, and their spirits will always guard every inch of the land of the ridiculous land.

People will remember that today, the city does not retreat, does not fall, does not regret the desert city.

It was the only city that had been completely destroyed since the war with the Mozu, but it was also the most shocking battle.

After the desert city, Shen Yanxiao reached the order of death. All the cities that met the enemy could not fight for a battle. After that, the Mozu continued to advance, and 15 consecutive cities were turned into a day, but fortunately, Shen Yan Xiao’s order saved the soldiers of the fifteen cities. In the subsequent exchange of fire, although there were casualties, the city’s city owners made timely judgments and reduced the casualties of the cities to the lowest. In the city, no city has more than 10,000 casualties. All the combatants, at the moment the Mozu attacked the city gate, turned into the bottom passage and went to a safe area.

But for hundreds of years, the city owners of the cities did not leave any bricks and tiles to the Mozu. At the last moment before the transfer, all the city owners chose to blow up the city and leave the ruins to the Mozu.

There is nothing that can be used, and there is nothing wrong with it. The Mozu spent nearly a million troops and got only 16 ruins.

It is the pain of every city owner to blow up the city that has been managed and lived for many years. But they have no hesitation. If the city is gone, they can build it again. They will never leave anything to the Mozu. It’s just a piece of brick, can’t!

Tonight, the five major cities are not only the heroes of the desert city, but today, all the comrades who fought in the first line of the war against the Mozu.

Those living lives are still laughing and laughing yesterday. Today, they have become a ghost in the ruins, leaving their loved ones and friends forever.

It is precisely because of their heroic struggle that the pace of the Mozu’s advancement has been delayed again and again, so that the huge army of the Mozu is constantly being consumed.

On this day, the number of killed in the ridiculous land exceeded 150,000, and the city lost sixteen. The economic losses have reached astronomical figures.

And in this series of **** data, it shines an exciting number.

Ninety-seven thousand.

In only one day, the Mozu army was depleted by 970,000!

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