The warriors of the ridiculous land did not die in vain, and their sacrifices brought in a surprising return.

If there is no desperate resistance to these sixteen cities, then it will not be only sixteen cities and towns destroyed by the Mozu today.

This number is afraid that it will grow exponentially.

In the crowd that did not fall, a tall figure stood straight, and the hood covered his face, but his shoulders were not shaking, and the low sobs of depression were all around.

He is the owner of the Moon Rock City. Moon Rock City is the second city of the Mozu invasion. When the desert city was attacked, Moon Rock City had already prepared for the battle, and they had cleared the passage and prepared to meet the comrades in the desert city. They retreat.

However, they waited for a long time, and did not see the figure of the companion in the desert city. Until the moment when the Mozu army appeared, they received the news that the desert city was all killed and there was no living.

All dead...

The two cities are not far apart, and the two city owners often gather together. Just two days before the war, the two city owners also sat together to cheer the wine.

However, in just two days, the brother who had been drinking with him, eating meat together, talking and laughing with the old and the old, had left him forever.

As the second line of defense of the ridiculous land, the city owner of Moon Rock City thinks how to fight like a brother, not to retreat, not to fall, not to regret. But the lord gave the order of death, not to fight, the city gate was broken, everyone must be thorough, and the offender would not be a member of the ridiculous land.

Without any punishment, it merely erased the identity of a member of the ridiculous land, but it became the most powerful bondage.

They swear allegiance, this is the land they love, how can they give up?

Therefore, Moon Rock City complied with the instructions and withdrew into the underground passage at the first time when the city gate was broken.

He cried because he resented his incompetence, resentful of his own weakness, unable to avenge his brother, and could not contain the footsteps of the Mozu.

In the corner, a decadent man lowered his head and stared at the fire lamp in his hand.

He was the owner of the city of the Moon. When the Mozu attacked, his three sons died under the iron ride of the Mozu. The family of four had only one of them in one day.

His son, in order to protect the priests in the city to retreat, was stabbed to death by the Mozu's long guns.

When his three sons died, he was commanding the transfer of people in the city. He looked at his son with his eyes and died in front of himself, but he could not rush.

Because he is the owner of the city of the moon, it is his responsibility to transfer all the people in the city safely.

He is a father and a city owner.

At the moment of the war, he can only be a city owner. He wants to protect more people and can only abandon his own son.


Hate, hate those ferocious demons.


Do not regret, because that is his city people.

Sadness is shrouded in the ridiculous land. The dead are remembered by the companions. The ones who live are not at all happy. They only have the hatred of the heavens, the hatred of the Mozu, and let them become Stronger and more determined.

They will continue to fight with the Mozu with the will of their comrades who have passed away, until they expel the invaders from the bright continent, and still have a stable day!

Not dead end!

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