Satan chose to split up, so that the 12 Devils will each lead a part of the force to find a breakthrough from other areas.

Once the magic defensive array is turned on, it will continue to consume energy. In addition to the core energy in the five main cities, the energy of other large cities has certain limits. Their energy will eventually be exhausted, and then they will be The death period.

Satan has time to play with them slowly.

The Twelve Devils will lead the team and the Mozu army will spread to all parts of the ridiculous land.

More cities and towns were affected by the war, and this battle was like wildfire burning the entire barren land.

The demon's division is unpredictable, and the members of the silver hand who have been lurking in the distance of the major cities are responsible for collecting information on each battle, so that they will return to the sun in the first time.

But this time, the actions of the Mozu made them have no reaction time. When they saw the situation of the Mozu division, they immediately acted and sent the new news to Shen Yanxiao in the shortest possible time.

The division of troops, whether it is a very dangerous practice in that battle, means that the forces that are united together are broken up, and the army is completely zero. If it encounters an enemy raid, it is likely to be Heavy hit.

However, Satan does not seem to have such concerns at all. He does not worry at all that the human allies will fight back.

"Quickly pass the message to the lord! We are here to continue to observe the movement of the Mozu." A member of the silver hand quickly made a judgment, they must send someone to immediately go back and call the news to Shen Yanxiao, if it is too late, They may also think that the lord of the Lord will come up with a good way to deal with the strategy of the Devil's division.

"I will go back!" The man carrying the mission immediately summoned his Warcraft, a wind speed bird.

This kind of Warcraft is very weak, but the speed is very fast, it is best for passing urgent news.

The man sat on the wind speed bird and immediately flew in the direction of the sun.

However, when the wind speed bird just ascended into the sky, a huge flying monster was rushing to the wind speed bird.

I bite the head of the wind speed bird.

The members of the silver hand did not think that there would be a monster in the scene. The man on the back of the wind speed bird has not recovered, and has been caught by the claws of the monster.

"When you will have no action, you can't help it." With a slapstick smile, the black scorpion came out from the side of the hill, and he looked at the three squatting on the ground. Members of the Silver Hand, smiled and said: "The devil and the gods are really good at knowing how to count, you know that these despicable humans will send people to lurk near the battlefield. How? Is it very strange to see my demon division? Is it anxious to send a message? Send it back? Haha."

Black man smirked, because the distance is too far, these humans have never seen the appearance of the twelve devils, so they can't tell the difference, and the twelve devils that are made will be true or false.

Satan has already sent out the 12 devils. In addition to the extraordinary shadows, the other ten devils will no longer be in the army of the Mozu.

Blackbird is here to catch these little mice.

"I can let you choose, is it to take us to the sun, or ... I killed you?" Black smirked, if not some use value, he has already killed these humble humans.

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