The members of the three silver hands looked at each other and they saw the answer in each other's eyes.

The cold light flashed past, and the members of the three silver hands pierced their hearts at the same time with their sharp edges.

There was no struggle, no word for mercy.

They chose to use death in the first place, to keep the secrets of their hearts, and the devils will always be their bodies, and never want to hear any information from their mouths.

Even if there is only one word, they are all exporting.

The bright red blood fluttered under the three people, quietly moistening the cracked earth.

They know very well that this mysterious demon can get close to them without any awareness. The strength is not what they can cope with. It will continue to struggle and will only allow the other party to have more time to torture them and take intelligence.

Therefore, they choose to die.

"Damn, human beings are crazy!" He looked at the members of the three silver hands who died in front of their own eyes. He couldn't think of how humans would be so determined.

In the last battle of the gods and devils, it was not like this!

Pleading, crying, panic, what should have appeared on human beings, he did not even see it.

I have said before the day before that the human beings in the desert city are like crazy, and they are eager to die. The black scorpion still feels ridiculous. Is it not the habit of human beings to steal life? How can they give up the opportunity to live?

Until now, the black scorpion understood that the sky is absolutely true.

This group of people who have been scorned by them has really changed.

Without any clues, the black scorpion was very bored. He remembered the human being caught by the monster, and there was a glimmer of hope in his heart, but after he let the monster fly down, he saw the silver caught. The member of the hand has already bitten his tongue, the glaring blood stained his white clothes, his head sagged slightly, and his mouth seemed to have a gratifying smile.

"Maniac." The black scorpion was angrily stunned, and the result of successfully capturing human beings was actually like this, which made him unacceptable.

"I don't believe it. Human beings are really turning to sex! Give me the continuation!" Hei has not given up. He believes that he will always find those who are greedy and fearful of death, and honestly explain the news he wants.

Blackbird quickly left the rider and went to find his next target.

The members of the four silver hands that fell in the pool of blood were so quiet, their lives passed away with the wind.

Until a long time later, the three bodies of active little Warcraft, drilled out from the members of the three silver hands, they are like ordinary rabbits, but they are somewhat different, they snuggle around their masters, white fur Being stained with blood, I reluctantly licked their owner's cold cheeks.

For a moment of warmth, they know that the masters who have been with them for a long time have died.

The bloodstained Warcraft suddenly rolled over the dirty soil until they were filthy and tidy, and they blended with the color of the earth, and they returned to the hands of the silver hand. Around him, one of the Warcraft pulled out a small wooden sign from the hand that his master gripped. On the small wooden sign, the two words that were twisted and engraved with shallow words were “divided”.

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