The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 2642: Wars and fires (2)

In the city of Qilin, Qi Xia sat in the city's main government, holding the news that the day did not fall.

"The twelve devils will finally come? Hehe."

Yan Yan sat aside, she could not see what was written on the letter.

"Sister's letter?"

"Well, there are guests coming to visit recently." Qi Xia held his chin with one hand and looked at the letter in his hand.

Since the beginning of the war, new battles have been sent to major cities every day. They will receive news in the first time, and the cruelty of the front line and the fierceness of the Mozu have been remembered.

Will the twelve magic be? He will definitely entertain them.

New hatred and old hate, they, slowly count.

"Is it a demon?" Yan Yan clasped the trident in her hand, and the delicate little face was filled with hatred.

She did not forget that the people who died under Satan, the **** mermaid hometown, was her forever nightmare.

"Yes." Qi Xia did not hide.

Yan Yan’s perception is very strong. Once the Mozu enters the Kirin City, Yan Yan will definitely find out for the first time. Similarly, the ability to protect himself is the weakest among the leaders of all ethnic groups. This is also Shen Yanxiao’s placement of her. In the case of Qilin City, because of the illusion, in addition to Shen Yanxiao, Qi Xia's strength is the most powerful.

After inheriting the **** of death, Qi Xia became very sensitive to the breath of the dead. Even though the war has not yet burned to the depths of the ridiculous land, the souls of the dead in the air have already made Qi Xia feel the shadow of death.

Those crying souls are constantly telling the tragic battle.

Those comrades who died, their unwillingness and resentment stimulated the soul of Qi Xia all the time.

No one knows more about the will of the deceased than Qi Xia, and the deity of death brings him the feeling that no one can imagine.

Resonance with the deceased is almost crazy.

The feeling of listening to the last sorrow of the deceased, the spirit of the people is torn apart. If the spirit of Qi Xia is strong enough, the negative effect brought by the **** of death will completely destroy him.

Powerful power always brings unexpected negative effects.

It’s just that Xi Xia never said to anyone, what is the power of death.

"This time, I will strengthen the security work of Qilin City, you are at ease." I don't want to bring too much pressure on Yan Yan. The opening of Qi Xia's appeasement, as soon as Yan Yan enters Kirin City, Qi Xia will be jealous. Yan was placed next door to his room, in order to protect this fragile mermaid the first time the Mozu attacked.

The task that Shen Yanxiao handed over to him, he is bound to fight hard to complete.

Qi Xia knows that the ordinary guards have no resistance to the Twelve Devils. His words are all for the peace of mind.

"I am not afraid." Yan Yan's firm opening, suffering from **** seas, she did not forget for a moment.

Qi Xia just laughed and didn't say much.

Not afraid?

Yes, they shouldn’t be afraid.

There are more and more dead people. Although the consumption war of Shen Yanxiao has been successful, Qi Xia is very clear. With the character of Shen Yanxiao, no matter how many deaths, I am afraid that at this moment, Shen Yanxiao can’t really Laughing out, every dead person in the ridiculous land, for her, is like a thorn in the heart.

"I will let them pay the price." Qi Xia blinked.

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