The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 2643: Wars and fires (3)

Qinglong City, Baihu City, Xuanwu City, Yangxi, Yan Yu, Qi Xia and Li Xiaowei all received the same news. The Elf King and other leaders have already prepared for the war at any time.

However, things are moving in an unpredictable direction.

The Twelve Devils will not target their major cities, and they will extend their claws to those cities that have not yet been broken.

In the middle of the night, the soldiers in the major cities were just waiting to prevent the sneak attack of the Mozu, but the black shadows came quietly in this darkness.

The owner of River Wind City is in the room, wiping his armor, his wife is sitting aside, holding his seven-year-old daughter in his arms.

A family of three, happy.

"The army of the Mozu has moved forward. As early as tomorrow morning, you will move with other people in the city, and it will soon become a battlefield." The city owner of River Wind City looked at his wife and daughter, and his eyes were full of disappointment. .

"You have to be careful." My wife nodded slightly, even though she did not hesitate. Her man was a man of the top. He was burdened on his shoulders, not just a family, but a city.

"Reassure, the lord has orders, I remember." The man smiled.

The warm fire illuminates the warm bedroom, and the city owner of River Wind City embraces the two most important women in their lives.

Suddenly, the fire swayed, the locked door was opened, and a pungent **** smell permeated the air.

The black shadow of the **** blood strode into the room, and behind him a dozen or so Mozu soldiers held the sharp blade of blood.

"It seems that my luck today is not too bad." Black eyes squinted, looking at the family of three holding together, the eye was jumping with excitement.

The city owner of River Wind City immediately pulled the sword in front of his wife and daughter.

Behind the Mozu, he saw the body of the full house. The faithful guards had already left, and their bodies fell in front of his house.

Blackbird did not agree to do it in the room, tilting his legs and looking at the human man who was waiting for him. "No more nonsense, I know that you are not afraid of death. You humans are crazy, but you are not afraid of death, but it does not matter, but Your wife, your daughter's life, you will not ignore it? Advise you to cooperate with me, I will protect your family's three safe, why should you trap your loved ones and dangers for the safety of others?"

In the past few days, the black scorpion has captured many members of the ridiculous land. There are human beings, demons, and undead. But all human beings are killed by the first time they are caught, and they have always been the devil's minions. The demon, actually will make the same choice as human beings, which makes the black scorpion completely speechless, and those undead, self-destructing the core of life, no hesitation.

What is it that makes them willing to end their lives?

Blackbird is puzzled, but tonight, everything may be different.

Unreasonable eyes, falling behind the man and the child behind the man, the black man felt that this time he found a good goal.

The woman clung to her daughter in her arms and looked at the Mozu in horror.

The owner of the river wind city is like a card owner. He knows what the black scorpion is going to do. He can ignore his own life and death, but his wife and daughter are his weakness.

In the face of family, a firm will will be spent.

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