The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 895: "Hero" saves the United States (10)

This speed, even the big archer can not be completed!

But this boy has done it!

When the two demons looked up at Shen Yanxiao, the meaning of contempt in their eyes had faded.

"I didn't expect you to have two brushes." When I really looked down on this human being, she didn't look like a fourteen or five-year-old. How could she shoot so accurately and quickly?

Do not say that these two demons were shocked by Shen Yanxiao’s shot. Even Long Xueyao, who stood behind Shen Yan’s body, did not think that this little boy who seemed to be weak and windy would have such skills.

In the Blizzard Mercenary, Long Xueyao knows a lot of powerful archers, one of whom is a big archer. She once saw the attack of the big archer, but she still didn't sink.

Shen Yanxiao smiled at the two demons, slow and rational.

"How? Do you want to compare with me?"

"Bad boy, than than, you wouldn't think that with your two sons, can you really beat us both?" The tall demon's mouth sneered a sneer, this kid really has a bit of skill.

This is better, ordinary humans do not bother the entrance, only the strong can satisfy their taste buds.

"If you don't fight, you won't know if you don't." Shen Yanxiao was not nervous.

Finally let her catch the high demon can practice!

"Do you both come together? Or one by one?" Shen Yanxiao asked with a smile.

The strength of the high demon is equal to the second turn, but Shen Yanxiao is now a two-line big professional. With the cooperation of the archer and the warlock, it is not impossible to challenge the second-turn professional, let alone the attack on her. Insufficient, has been repaired, the strength has made some progress!

"Since you have the ability to challenge us both, we will naturally not be polite with you!" The two demons almost rushed to the boulder at the same time.

The demon is not as hypocritical as human beings, and they can't do one-on-one heads-up according to human rules.

Winner takes all, loser for Kou.

The kid is a bit of a skill, they don't want to overturn the ship in the gutter, they don't believe that under the combined attack of two high-level demons, this little ghost can still have any advantage.

The high-devils climbed all the way quickly, but Shen Yanxiao smiled slightly. In the exclamation of Long Xueyao, she held the purple prince and jumped up and jumped from the stone steps.

The two demon eyes watched Shen Yanxiao leave the stone steps, and the eyes flashed a ray of light. The two demons did not directly attack Shen Yanxiao, but continued to move forward toward the stone steps.

"Idiot, who wants to compare with you!" The tall demon eyes will touch the stone steps, and the heart is full of ridicule for Shen Yanxiao.

That kid is still too tender, although they are forced to compare with her, but this is also in the case of her occupying favorable terrain, now she has left the stone steps, they can go directly to take Long Xueyao away, Who is free to accompany her than to try!

The nature of the demon sinister is unmistakable.

Just as the high demon's hand was already on the stone steps, ready to pick up the moment of Long Xueyao, the ten arrows flew to the tall demon at an alarming rate.

The intensive attack forced the tall demon to have to dodge, and he hurriedly squatted to the side, dying on the boulder.

The short demon on the other side still climbed the stone steps and rushed toward Long Xueyao.

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