The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 896: "Hero" saves the United States (11)

call out!

A shrill sound came, and a silver light shot at a speed five times faster than all the arrows before, and the demon reached out to Long Xueyao's hand.

The demon's subconsciously closes his hand and sees that the arrow with amazing speed is directly nailed into the hard stone wall, and the whole is only running through, leaving only the arrow tail and the stone.

This amazing power makes the short demon look silly.

Even if it is a thick and fleshy demon, if it really hits such an arrow, there is almost no way to live!

"I said you, don't hold any luck, beat me, you never want to step on the stone steps." The sound of laughter sounded in the chaotic battlefield.

The two demons squinted at the chaotic battlefield below, but could not find the figure of Shen Yanxiao. She just jumped into the crowd, but it was instantly integrated into the crowd. This is a very small body, and now it is a little bit. There are no shadows.

Originally, I thought about Shen Yanxiao’s stupidity. I could take the opportunity to take Long Xueyao’s two demons, so I missed the first time to lock Shen Yan’s position. Now they can only look at the chaotic battlefield and look for the one that can’t wait to die. The little devil.

"I don't believe it, just rely on your personal class, you can still block us!" Two demon suffocating, they can not find the shadow of Shen Yanxiao, but also a basket?

And their goals are close at hand, as long as they take a step forward, they can catch Long Xueyao.

They don't believe that with the strength of Shen Yanxiao, they can really stop them from catching Long Xueyao!

The two demons act at the same time, and the speed is so fast that people can't see it clearly. Long Xueyao can only feel two black shadows, and is approaching her quickly. She leans herself at the end of the boulder and holds her hand tightly. The staff in the staff.

"Hey, why don't you listen so much?" With a hint of helpless voice, the ten arrows flew in two different targets!

Every one of them is nailed to the road of the demon's next step, as if they have already judged their next action!

Several arrows directly sealed the front of the two demons, completely blocking them from the place where Long Xueyao was only half a step away.

They don't doubt at all that the teenager who can judge their next move will not be able to judge their correct position. Now that they can judge their correct position, she does not directly target the arrow that can kill them. Shoot directly on their heads!

This is a warning!

A warning from Shen Yanxiao.

What she wants is to compete with these two higher demons instead of killing them.

The arrows she shot before were telling them that she was fully capable of killing them while they caught Long Xueyao.

"Damn!" The tall demon screamed, and he never encountered such a weird human being.

Not only will they compare with these demons, but they will have a chance to kill them, but they will be given a horse every time.

Human beings don't hate the demon into the bones. Can you wait for the killing soon?

"It's better for us to solve the kid first, and it's not too late to catch this girl. That kid is too annoying!" The short demon bite his teeth, and the bait that he thought he had already gotten was actually blocked by half a step. This made him crazy.

"Good! I have to see how much she can!" The tall demon also agreed with his proposal.

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