The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 914: Sixth seal (1)

The fog formed after the translucent screen, and the Yan Yan was on the edge of the tub, watching the familiar figure.

"Repair." Shen Yan Xiao Biaoba eyes, looking at a certain grandfather separated from her by a screen.

"Well?" The faint slap should be heard. From the figure reflected on the screen, he is standing against the screen at this time.

"How come you out?" Shen Yan Xiaoguang's two little feet slammed in the water, and the mask on her face had been thrown aside by her, a group of white mist steamed her little face. The white is red and extraordinarily pink.

Xiu did not immediately answer the question of Shen Yanxiao. He silenced for a moment and said: "You have made rapid progress in these days."

“Really?” I rarely heard the praise of the repair, and Shen Yanxiao came to the spirit.

"Well, according to your current speed, after the next layer of seals is released, it should be able to impact two turns." The sound of the repair is still deserted, but Shen Yanxiao listens in the ear, but feels particularly good.

When you arrive at the second turn, it means that you will train the army for her!

Although she still doesn't know the identity of her repairs, she has never failed to do anything. Since he dares to agree, he must have full confidence.

I don't know how cruel the army trained by such a super-grandfather!

Shen Yanxiao has plans to give ordinary humans a training. It’s a pity that after all, the ghosts know how terrible the content of his training will be. The human body is still fragile after all, and may be one by him. It’s a bit of a tragedy to train and kill more than half of the dead and injured.

But the demon is different, the demon's physique is inherently stronger than the human being, and her demons are more and more, and the demon is handed over to the training, which is the real king!

The abacus in Shen Yan’s heart was ringing, and his face showed a smile.

“How long will I be able to untie the next layer of seal?” She has already been eager to try, and prayed that she could see how embarrassing the army trained by the self-cultivation.

"If you want, you can do it now."

"Now?" Shen Yan Xiao Yan a moment, they left the day less than a month, which can unlock the sixth layer seal?

"It was very slow to unpack the seal for you. It is because the dark elements are not enough. It is also because of your own cultivation problems. You have entered the ridiculous land, and some cultivation has stopped. So I am not eager to help you unblock the seal. Now your cultivation. Has been keeping up with the speed of the seal to unlock, it does not matter." Repairing is not cold or hot, did not notice his words, let Shen Yan Xiao vomit blood.

Feelings The seal on her body can be solved soon, but the grandfather disliked her practice and lazy, which delayed the speed of her seal!

Shen Yanxiao profoundly realized that what is called self-defense can not live.

The day is not booming, but she does not know how many times she has been despised by the uncle.

"Hey, I still forget it. After all, I am still in Blizzard City. I am afraid that if I unlock the seal now, I will fall into a sleepy day, or will we start at night?" Although Shen Yanxiao has concerns, she still can't stand it. Thoughts in the heart.

Two turns!

How many people can't reach the realm of life!

If she can raise her strength to two turns during the time of Blizzard's stay, then her plan to steal the thunderbolt can be more stable.

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