The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 915: Sixth floor seal (2)

Thinking of thunder artillery, Shen Yanxiao is very interested in listening to the opinions of the repair.

"Repair, do you know the thunder artillery?" Shen Yanxiao threw two legs in the water and looked at the back of the repair through the screen.

"Your human artillery?"

"Oh, almost." Repeatedly heard that the "you human" Shen Yanxiao feels very subtle, especially after she knows that there are still some elves in her body, I heard these four words more. Subtle.

To be precise, she should not be a complete human.

"Know, the power is too weak."

Shen Yan Xiao mouth twitched slightly, and then worked hard to calm the inner ups and downs.

Can she still expect to hear anything from the mouth of a guy who can pinch the eighth-order Warcraft with one finger?

"For you humans, it should be ok. Your human artillery is fired on the basis of the gunner's vindictiveness and magic. It is probably only the creatures on your bright continent. If you deal with the dragons, you are afraid of even them. The flesh of the flesh is not broken." Repairing things.

Well, she knows that the dragon is very ferocious, that dragon scale is comparable to bullet-proof glass, but she did not intend to take the artillery to bomb the dragons?

"That, I only intend to use it in the bright mainland, hitting people, playing beasts and the like is almost the same." Shen Yan Xiao Yan Yan.

"That's still okay."

"Oh." Listening to a certain uncle, the tone is obviously very contemptuous, and Shen Yanxiao will have swallowed back if he had already reached the mouth.

If she is known by a certain uncle, she really deliberately wants to steal the thunder of his "weak power" in his mouth. I don't know if it will be despised again.

"Do you want it?" But Shen Yanxiao did not say that Shu has already guessed her mind.

Think about it too. When Shen Yanxiao first entered Blizzard City, he stood at the gate of the city and looked at the thunder firearms for a long time. If he didn't understand the thoughts of a little guy, he was alive.

"Want!" Despise is despised, she is a good boy, not lying.

"Although this thing is not in your eyes, it may not be anything, but it is a good guardian weapon for human beings. The predecessor of the **** domain did not say it before, and there will be a beast wave after one year. At that time, my day will not fall and the Orient City will be attacked. It is also good to have more guarding weapons." Shen Yanxiao carefully explained his need for artillery.

"Unfortunately, I don't have drawings on hand. Blizzard City belongs to the Kamikaze Alliance. The Thunderbolt of the Kamikaze Alliance is the most advanced artillery on the human hand. I am now in Blizzard City. I am going to look for this city. There are no drawings of thunder artillery." For repairs, she has nothing to hide.

"If it is a defending weapon..." Xiu seems to think of something.

Shen Yanxiao raised his ears and looked at the back of his eyes.

"Do you have it?" Forgive her guess. It is really that a grandfather’s image in her mind is too omnipotent. Even if she repairs a sacred weapon of the Protoss or the Mozu, she estimates that it will not be too Surprised.

However, the answer to the repair, but let the heat of Shen Yanxiao burst out instantly.

"you think too much."

"..." Shen Yan Xiao Yu.

"However, if you can get the drawings of the artillery, I can give you some advice."

"What opinion?"

"Change the gunner to a demon."

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