The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 941: The return date does not fall (7)

When Gu Feng’s words came out, even the people of the Blizzard Mercenary Group frowned slightly.

It’s a good day, and he’s so rude. It’s really embarrassing.

Knowing that Long Fei came to Shen Yanxiao to lift the curse of Long Xueyao and Wu Hao, after seeing the attitude of Gu Feng, his face was a bit ugly.

This idiot knows offended people when he comes. He knows that they don’t know that they are asking for Shen Yanxiao this time. Going into the city to ridicule the mercenaries in the city, isn't it nothing to look for?

The valley is so proud that I don’t know that I have been killed by someone.

The prisoner sneered and looked at the proud wind of the valley, showing a hint of killing.

An idiot who only gave him a snack, he dared to point his nose, and if he had done it before, he would have swallowed such a dead human being.

"Embroidered pillow?" Yi prisoner looked at the wind in the valley, he raised his hand, the speed is so fast that people can not detect.

In the next second, Gu Feng felt a sharp pain in his face. Before he could react, the whole person had already been shot.

"Idiot." The prisoner did not look at the wind that was blown out. He clap his hands and turned away.

The people in the Blizzard Mercenary are dumbfounded.

They are the most elite mercenaries. I also know that some people who don’t know how to live and die sometimes say something unkind to the mercenaries, but the temper of the mercenaries that are not falling on this day is really...very violent.

Actually, if you don’t say anything, you will fly people!

The monk also stunned for a while, and then quickly let people go to the wind.

On the face of the white wind, there was a reddish palm print on the face, and blood was flowing from the corners of the mouth and the nose.

It can be imagined how much the slap of the prisoner is.

"He...he dared to beat me!" Gu Feng squinted, and he never dreamed of a mercenary on the bright continent who dared to shoot him.

"Don't leave! There is a kind of you who stand for me!" Gu Feng pushed away the person who supported him and chased him directly toward the back of the prisoner.

Longfei looked at the wind and wanted to cause trouble. Frowning on the martial arts: "Go and let people stop this kid. That is not what he can provoke."

The monk immediately rushed to stop the valley wind.

"Dragon uncle, the **** dared to hit me, he thought he was something! This kind of union, I can let my father put it down in a word." Gu Feng was stopped by the monk, but still Unbearable.

Longfei did not respond to his screams, but only let people check him down.

Long Xueyao looked at the side of the show, Guan Gufeng that the goods are dead or alive, she is more curious about why her father said that the mercenary was not provoked by Gu Feng.

"Father, is there anything special about that mercenary?"

Longfei glanced at Long Xueyao and lowered his voice: "Have you seen him when he shot?"

Long Xueyao thought about it. She didn't see the prisoners at all, and saw that the wind was directly drawn.

"The daughter is incompetent and didn't see when he shot."

Longfei smiled and shook his head.

"It's not that you are incompetent. I believe that there should be no second person outside of me to see how he shot."

"What!" Long Xueyao looked surprised.

It is normal for the middle-level professional to see that it is not normal, but the monk is a big professional. The father actually said that even the monks could not see it, so that is not to say...

"His strength is at least two turns to the beginning."

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