The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 942: The return date does not fall (8)

"Two turns!" Long Xueyao is completely dumbfounded. The second-turn strong is not a senior professional, but even in the Kamikaze alliance, there are only six or seven people who break through the second turn, five of them. They are the heads of the five major mercenary groups, and the other two are lone rangers.

How rare is the second turn, Long Xueyao knows, but she couldn’t think of it. On this day, she didn’t fall, just saw a mercenary, which was the second level.

This is too terrible.

"Not only him, I just noticed that the mercenaries coming out of this guild should have the same strength as the one." Long Fei said something that made him frown before.


How can it be! !

Long Xueyao was shocked.

There are at least seven or eight people who have been in and out of the demon union just now. If these people have the strength of two turns...

Picking up is not to say that the second-turn professional in a mercenary union that is not falling on this day is more than their entire superhero alliance!

"Father, are you not mistaken?" Long Xueyao swallowed.

Longfei nodded.

"The day is not really strong, but there are so many second-hand mercenaries hidden, and I look at him. It should not be the head of this mercenary group. The mercenary under the head of the team still has this strength. I don’t know the leader. The repair is... Hey, we are still careful, we have to provoke them.” Longfei is also very scared, this strength is too terrible, he is the head of the mercenary group, naturally knows that such a group of mercenaries How sturdy the team's fighting power is.

Longfei was shocked by the strength of the demon trade union, but he only knew some fur.

If he knows, the hundreds of mercenaries in the entire demon trade union are all high-level demons with the strength of two or more. I wonder if he will be crazy.

Shen Yan Xiao smiling at Valley Wind fool, she wanted to hit this kid for a long time, now razed prisoners do it, she was very satisfied.

When Shen Yanxiao appreciated the good drama, she suddenly felt that the spiritual power belonging to Suzaku suddenly increased!

On the avenue of the day, a fiery figure whistled and rushed toward the pedestrian of Longfei.

That powerful momentum made Longfei look at it.

I saw a slightly petite fire figure with a thick anger and walked towards them. Longfei’s heart was secretly surprised.

Strong and powerful!

Standing in the five steps of Longfei, the sound of nine dust, after seeing the figure, immediately bent down and said: "Suzaku adults!"


The name of the sound of the nine dusts made everyone in the Blizzard Mercenary Group stunned.

The name of the guardian beast of the five super-family of the Longxuan Empire resounded throughout the bright continent. At the level of the beast, the strength of the five great beasts is at the forefront, and this Suzaku is one of the five great beasts.

At the same time, it is also the contract of the gods of the city, Shen Yanxiao!

How did he come?

Everyone was a little nervous. Looking at Suzaku with a look of anger, Long Fei’s heart screamed in a bad mood. Shen Yanxiao didn’t appear late, but now he only sees the beast Suzaku angry, isn’t it’s a plan? Revenge on the day of the day to stop the day!

Thinking of this, Longfei cold sweat, even if he is a second-turn professional, but in the face of the beast, it is difficult not to be guilty!

Suzaku sullenly filled a pink face, like a group of flames, rushed to the Blizzard mercenary group before the crowd, the red scorpion picked up in an instant, anyone can see, this beast is on the verge!


Eight ends

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