The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 943: Five thunders (1)

"Suzaku..." The monk is already stupid, and Suzaku is so impetuous that it doesn't seem like to welcome them.

Is this difficult to achieve?

Do not let it be!

Along the way, I lived in harmony with the demon. I finally entered the day without falling. Is it difficult to fight with only the beast?

If so...

He would rather go to love the demon!

Seeing that Suzaku had come to the team, a group of Blizzard mercenary groups were waiting for each other. They really didn't want to fight, but if the Suzaku shot, they couldn't passively swear.

But the next second, everyone is stunned.

Suzaku did not see them at all, and swept away from them without squinting, and rushed straight toward the end of the team.

All the mercenaries consciously let open a passage.

A road leading to someone is opened.

They only saw the indescribable indulgence, standing in the same place, Suzaku's eyes staring at her and killing.

The wind that has just been smashed has been met, and the feelings of the Suzaku are coming for revenge? This enemy is still the earthen bun!

hit! Beaten!

It is best to kill this stinky boy!

When Long Xueyao saw the direction of Suzaku's progress, his heart immediately became shocked and wanted to catch up, but the speed was not as fast as Suzaku.

In the blink of an eye, Suzaku has already rushed to the front of the "sinking", a pair of red eyes staring at the ordinary face for a moment, like the next second will eat her.

Just when everyone had pinched a cold sweat for Shen Yanxiao, Suzaku raised his hand and looked at it and said hello to Shen Yanxiao.

Long Xueyao almost screamed.

Of course...

Suzaku's hand did not fall on Shen Yanxiao, but pointed to the mini dragon of Shen Yanxiao's shoulder.

"You go out for a trip! Just bring me this one!" Suzaku's white fingers pointed at the mini dragon, and roared away!

"This is an accident." Shen Yanxiao touched the nose, and there was a spiritual contract between Suzaku and her. Even if she changed her appearance, Suzaku recognized it.

"Unexpected! You told me what the accident is! You said that you have to go out to practice, do not want me to follow, I have not gone, but you are not easy to come back, actually brought me a ball! Have you taken me? As a Warcraft! You still don't worry about me! Who went out without their own contract Warcraft, and went around to go home with this kind of thing!" Suzaku completely demonized!

When Shen Yanxiao wanted to leave, he was respectful, did not seek spiritual contact to find her, and did not bother her, but he could not dream of it. This unscrupulous master who screamed to go out to practice alone, actually gave a face to give He brought a fat-like creature like a ball back!

Uncle can bear, you can't bear it!

"Oh, no... you listen to me..." Shen Yanxiao was hurt by the sound of Suzaku's roaring, and the mini dragon was really an accident. She wanted to send the goods away.

"I don't listen! I don't listen!"

"You listen to me."

"You are lying to me!"

Suzaku and Shen Yanxiao both quarreled on the street that was not falling, but the dialogue between the two guys made the crowds on the side feel more and wrong.

How is this similar to the original scene of catching a man with his own three?

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