The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 963: Dangerous situation (2)

But who knows, are there experiments in their hands that integrate six major races and five major races?

Those experimental bodies may not be as terrible as the blue-brown glass, but ... those who have combined the power of the four races, I am afraid that they have surpassed the fighting power of the beast.

This is absolutely a fearsome existence.

Shen Yanxiao did not have full control, and did not dare to compete with such organizations.

Moreover, she has already formed hatred with the Broken Star Palace. She always feels that the Broken Star Palace has a certain connection with the group of people. Otherwise, it is impossible for Shen Chi to transfer Shen Jiayi and Shen Jiawei, who were originally sent to the Broken Star Palace. The hands of those people.

Once they were discovered by those people, she was faced with a large group of experimental bodies and the siege of countless two-strong powerhouses in the Broken Star Palace.

She will definitely die without a place of burial!

"I hope that repairs can train the buoys a little faster." Shen Yanxiao irritated and grabbed her hair. The power in her hand was very embarrassing at first glance, but compared with the real behemoth, it was so weak.

Broken Star Palace, Forbidden Warlock, Divine...

These three forces standing in the absolute field of the bright continent are not what she can now compete with.

The only thing she is fortunate about now is that the relationship with the gods is not too bad, but once she and the demon have been discovered by the gods, I am afraid that even the gods will play the banner of destroying her!

Can't think!

Can't think of it at all!

Shen Yanxiao felt that her current situation was so terrible that she was likely to suffer the siege of the three strongest forces in the bright continent within minutes, and that the chips in her hands could not be dealt with even one of them.


She needs strength!

Shen Yan Xiao Hern stood up, she did not have time to continue to worry here, she must solve everything on hand as soon as possible.

"Suzaku, come with me from Xiaofeng." Shen Yanxiao gave an order to Suzaku through a spiritual link.

In a short while, Suzaku brought the blue-clad glass to the face of Shen Yanxiao.

"Sister?" The face of the blue-brown glass was a trace of sorrow. Looking at Shen Yanxiao who had not been close to him for many days, there was a hint of excitement and a desire in the eyes.

"Small seal, come over." Shen Yan Xiao Chong blue glass tricks beckoning.

The blue glass faintly walked over.

Looking at the pure blue glass in front of me, Shen Yanxiao’s eyes were a little gentle.

"Small seal, my sister wants you to help me with one thing."

"Sister, you said, I must do it." Blue seal glass firm opening.

Shen Yan Xiaodao said: "I want you to go to Shen Jiayi's residence and help me to look at her. If she is in contact with anyone who is not outside the day, you will catch them and see me for the first time." The glass is hand-in-hand because she is not sure how much the strength of Shen Jiayi's joints is. The strength of the blue-fitting glass is above her, and it is also above many strong people, so that he can be foolproof.

"Good!" Lan Fengli nodded without hesitation. He could help Shen Yanxiao. He was very happy. No matter what Shen Yanxiao was doing, he would do it one by one.

"Hey." Shen Yan Xiao smashed the small head of the indigo glass, and looked at Zhu Judao on the side: "Go and call Nangong Mengmeng."

First, the warlock, then the gods.

In addition to the former, the latter draws.

Since the deity of the gods intends to let Nangong sprout her own teacher, why does she not agree?

Nangong Meng Meng is definitely not in the position of the gods, it is a good candidate to win the gods!

In the face of difficulties, Shen Yanxiao has begun to plan a piece of chess to consolidate her power.

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