The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 964: Abdominal Black Master and Stupid Apprentice (1)

Since the departure of the gods' team, Nangong Meng Meng has been left alone in the day, she is in her own room every day, waiting for her prayers to return to her future master.

However, I really waited until Shen Yanxiao returned to the sun, but she did not even have the chance to see Yan Yanxiao! !

On the day when Shen Yan Xiaogang came back, she was buried in a pile of documents. As a quasi-apprentice who respected the teacher, she naturally would not burden her future master.

So she is honestly waiting for Shen Yanxiao to finish her official duties.

But the next day, Shen Yanxiao had to lift the curse for the dragon lord of Blizzard City.

It’s a matter of life and death, Nangong Meng Meng is also embarrassed to bother, so I will continue to wait.

She waited so wait...

After waiting for eight or nine days, I could not see Shen Yanxiao.

Nangong Meng Meng is depressed and wants to hit the wall!

She wants to rush to the city's main house and find Shen Yanxiao's determination to express her apprenticeship, but... this is too reserved!

Nangong Mengmeng, who has already left a horrified impression on Shen Yanxiao, does not want to add another mistake in the mind of his future Master.

Therefore, she could only silently lie in her own mortuary, biting her handkerchief while looking at the fallen leaves outside the window, waiting for her to be so thin that she could think of her, "fortunately" her.

When Suzaku came to Nanmeng’s room with the instructions of Shen Yanxiao, Nangong Meng Meng was carrying a ruddy big apple while writing and drawing on the paper with a pen.

Seeing that Suzaku came in, Nangong Meng Meng directly stopped.

"Suzaku? Mud is so hot?" Nangong Meng Meng mouth still contains an apple, and the speech is somewhat ambiguous.

Suzaku frowned slightly and glanced at the paper that Nangong sprouted on the table.

On a piece of white paper, full of words "Shen Yan Xiao" are written...

Suzaku’s face turned black in an instant.

"Hey! I am practicing words! Words help to cultivate self-cultivation!!" Nangong Meng Meng sighed and slammed directly on the table. Both hands used the shackles to pull the paper full of the name of Shen Yanxiao.

Nangong Meng Meng wants to cry.

Without such a pothole, she writes the name of the idol in the room and will be captured by the idol's Warcraft.

She is really not abnormal!

really not! !

However, the confession of Nangong Mengmeng could not erase the eyes of Suzaku's eyes and filled with the "you are perverted" eyes.

Nangong Meng Meng wants to cry without tears.

Suzaku is also very speechless.

He really didn't know that his master was looking for such a crazy woman for Mao.

"My master told you to go." Suzaku said with a black face.

Nangong sprouted and stunned. She looked at Suzaku with her eyes and swallowed: " master...I...I...I ...the urban master called the past?"

The last second was still sprouting in the 18th floor of the tormented Nangong, and instantly felt that he had ascended to heaven, and the whole place was full of blood!

It’s really not a cover when it comes to work, and luck can’t stop it!

"Yes." Suzaku couldn't continue to face the silly face of Nangong Meng, directly dropped a word and turned away.

Is this the owner’s brain? Actually want to see this crazy woman!

Nangong Meng Meng looked at the back of Suzaku's fast-moving, but with a smile on her face...

She was full of anger and laughed and said: "Hey, Master is not touched by my sincerity!"

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