The Gourmet World is Integrated, Start to Popular Science The Rainbow Fruit

Chapter 127: The place where the Mammoth of Daligaru is located!

pretty country,

"President Raheem, this is our chance."

Cross looked at the phone in front of him with excitement.

On the screen of the mobile phone, an article about Su Yu's identity was displayed impressively.

He felt this was their chance.

A chance to divide the relationship between Su Yu and Yanlong Kingdom!

"What's the meaning?"

Rahim had doubts in his eyes, not knowing what the other party meant.

"We can take this opportunity to attack the Yanlong Kingdom, saying that there is something wrong with the identity of the oriental man, let them hand it over for review, and we can take this opportunity to kill him.

Cross explained to Raheem.

"How could Yanlong Kingdom obediently hand over that Oriental man?"

Raheem looked at Cross with a mentally retarded look.

You must know that they have used similar methods many times before, but when has the other party compromised?

"This time is different. The existence of that oriental man has already made many countries feel the crisis. If the Yanlong Kingdom does not hand it over, we can use military power!"

To know that now Su Yu's power has exceeded everyone's expectations, he can no longer be called a human!

Many countries can't help but feel a wave of fear after watching the video about him.

And according to his growth rate, I believe it won't be long before even the most powerful thermal weapon of mankind can injure him in the slightest.

So be sure to kill him before that!

As for the reason, just casually say that his true identity is a demon.

It's bullshit, but it's ok, doesn't it?

Anyway, they only need a reason to attack, and it doesn't matter what the specific reason is.

In addition, the identity of the other party is very suspicious, why does an ordinary person know so much?

Who is he?

If they can ask for more information then they will make a lot of money!

Especially why the opponent is so strong!

Hearing this, Rahim felt that this method was feasible.

But then he frowned again.

"Is it too much to use force" "?"

The Yanlong Kingdom is not a small country, if the war really breaks out, both sides will perish together.

No matter how many allies they have.

Because the most powerful weapon of mankind today is the intercontinental missile, one can destroy several cities.

There is no way to intercept this kind of missile at all, and once it is launched, there is only death waiting.

This is also the reason why wars are not allowed.

"This is just to put pressure on them. When the time comes when our dozens of countries are united, I don't believe that they will fight the risk of subjugation and we will be hard steel to the end! 99

Cross's face was full of confidence.

He believed that even if the senior officials of the Yanlong Kingdom did not agree, those civilians would agree.

No one is not afraid of death!

This is his experience summed up over the years.

"Well, do you want to ask General Oz's opinion?"

As the winning general of the Beautiful Nation, Oz's opinion is very important.

"No need, that coward is still hiding in his room and doesn't dare to come out. He doesn't know what he's doing all day.

Disdain appeared in Cross's eyes upon hearing Oz's name.

He didn't understand what the other party was afraid of?

It's just a yellow-skinned monkey, and in a few days, he will be dead!

With Raheem's consent, Cross began to unite the leaders of other countries.

Those are countries headed by their beautiful country!

Of course, Su Yu didn't know these things.

Even if you know, you won't care.

Because he is no longer in the mood to care about those things.

He was standing under a cliff now, looking up.

It has a height of about 500 meters, and the slope is almost 90.

In his perception, there is a terrifying creature on the cliff!

The creature carried a terrifying sense of oppression, causing Su Yu's whole body to stand up.

Everything in sight begins to change.

He seemed to have stepped into a quagmire, and a huge resistance came from his whole body, making him unable to move an inch.

And as long as he moves, the whole person will be completely plunged into the swamp!


Taking a deep breath, Su Yu forcibly suppressed the fear in his heart.

The sense of crisis from the instinct of the body is trying to prevent him from moving forward!


"The more it is, the more interesting it is! 35

What's the point of pure killing and crushing, what Su Yu needs is a really powerful enemy!

An enemy who can make him do his best and fight to the fullest!

Thinking of this, his eyes narrowed.

The illusion in front of him suddenly disappeared, and at the same time, he stretched out his hands and climbed up.

Soon, Su Yu had climbed almost halfway.

Just then, a strange bird appeared behind him.

A strange bird with a human face and bald head, but a body like a vulture.

【Strange Bird Lupin】

Birds and animals, not edible

Capture Level Iv30

(Note: The strange bird Lupin is extremely aggressive, so be careful if you encounter it in the wild!)

"`, what is this?!

When it appeared, the audience was taken aback.

The ugly and strange face caused them extreme discomfort.

There was also a touch of fear in my heart.

"Quack, quack, quack!"

With the piercing and eerie cry of the strange bird Lupin, the audience couldn't help covering their ears.

At the same time, the eyes also had hallucinations, and they seemed to look at a ruined and desolate dead place.

The breath of death began to permeate the whole world, unable to breathe, and the heartbeat seemed to stop.

Knowing that they heard Su Yu's voice, they barely recovered.

"This bird's name is the monster bird Lupin, a bird and beast, and its capture level is Iv30.

It is a very aggressive bird and beast that can make a confusing sound, so you must be careful if you encounter it in the wild. "5

[Ding, you have learned about the strange bird Lupin, and you will get a bonus physique +10]


The recovered audience took a deep breath after hearing this.

At the same time, I am even more afraid of this (obtained) strange bird Lupin.

They can have hallucinations across the screen. If they meet in reality, wouldn't they be dead?

After the popularization, Su Yu also opened his mouth and took a deep breath.


【Lion's Roar】

With a falling sound, the clouds in the sky dissipated instantly.

The earth seemed to be trembling, and the terrifying sound formed by the sound actually blew the strange bird Lupin that was attacking him directly!

The opponent's pupils also dimmed quickly, apparently falling into syncope.

A single word makes the capture level 30 beast lose its combat effectiveness!

This reminded the audience that more than a month ago, the other party was still fighting desperately with the capture level Iv8 beast.

In just over a month, Su Shen's strength has completely risen to another level of benevolence!

Let them have the illusion that many years have passed.

After killing the strange bird Lupin, Su Yu also continued to climb up.

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