The Gourmet World is Integrated, Start to Popular Science The Rainbow Fruit

Chapter 128: White Forest, a new member, the Double Crocodile Dragon!

When Su Yu climbed the cliff, all eyes were on a forest.

A forest of countless white trees!

The white trees grow lush green foliage, and colorful flowers dot the surroundings.

A variety of fruits hang on the tree, appearing to be alive.

This looks like another food paradise!

“As soon as I look at the exterior, I know that there are countless delicious ingredients in it. 35

"Yeah, that red plump fruit is as big as a head, and it looks so attractive."5

"And the flower that looks like a crystal, it's so beautiful when it twinkles!

Looking at the white forest not far away, the audience sighed.

But what they don't know is what danger hides under this beautiful appearance!

Under Su Yu's perception, there are countless beasts living in this forest.

They exude a strong aura, even if Su Yu is separated by thousands of meters, he can clearly feel it.

This well-fed forest is also a paradise for them!

Spreading his legs, Su Yu walked into the forest without hesitation.

Maybe those beasts are powerful, but they are still too weak compared to him!

A few minutes later, Su Yu stepped into the white forest.

Beside him, there are countless crystal-like flowers growing, reflecting a beautiful light in the air.

【Crystal Flower】

plant, not edible

Capture Level: Iv0

"These are crystal flowers, as the name suggests, you can see it by looking at it, and it also belongs to the plant category, with a capture level of Iv0.

It is not edible, but it is very beautiful as an ornamental flower, and it also smells very good with a faint fragrance. 130

Taking every part of the crystal flower carefully, Su Yu explained to the audience in the live broadcast room.

[Ding, you have popularized the crystal flower, and you will get a bonus physique +1]

"What a beautiful flower, how beautiful it would be to keep it at home!"

"I think this flower will sell for a very high price if you sell it!""

"It's a pity that I can't eat it. I thought this flower was also a kind of food.""

"Roar! 55

Just as the audience was discussing heatedly, a low roar entered their ears.

Although the voice was very low, it gave people a particularly terrifying feeling.

Even the image of a beast can't help but emerge in people's minds.

When the crowd heard the news,

I saw a monster with two heads and a crocodile body in sight.

The monster's body was fifty meters long, and the whole body was covered with hard scales.

The razor-sharp claws give people a chilling feeling of fear.

Especially the two identical heads made it look even more terrifying.

Huge body, deformed appearance.

Just looking at it is terrifying.

Is this really a creature that can exist in this world?

Everyone couldn't help but think in their hearts.

【Double Crocodile Dragon】

Mammals, not edible

Capture Level: Iv40

(Note: The double crocodile dragon advocates the strong. If you are stronger than it, it will succumb to you, and it is a beast that can be conquered!)

Seeing this, Su Yu's eyes lit up.

Unexpectedly, this pair of crocodile dragons can be conquered!

Although the strength of this double crocodile dragon is a bit low compared to him, it is a real monster to ordinary people!

It's also nice to take home as a janitor's pet.

Know that Su Yu is now ready to build a house made entirely of gourmet food.

At that time, there may be some creatures that steal his house, and the existence of the double crocodile dragon can avoid this problem.

Thinking of this, Su Yu also had a smile on his face.

At the same time, the double crocodile dragon had already opened its mouth to bite towards him.

It's just a normal eating for him.

I happened to meet a creature, even a small ant that can't even stuff its teeth, but ants are meat, aren't they?

So it opened its mouth and bit the two-legged beast.

But what the two-crocodile dragon didn't expect was when it was about to bite the two-legged beast.

A deadly sense of crisis suddenly swept through the whole body!

That deep-seated fear and biological instinct made it tremble all over!

This is the strong one!

A powerhouse that is countless times stronger than it!

There was fear and doubt in his eyes.

It doesn't understand why the other party has such a strong sense of crisis.

Why does such a thin body contain a power that even it fears.

However, the innate sensing ability made it lie down on his body without any hesitation.

With his mouth open and his tongue sticking out, four huge eyes stared at Su Yu with admiration.

The tail behind him also kept wagging, just like the dog that saw its owner.

I look so cute!

The sudden change shocked everyone's jaws.

what's going on?

Wasn't he still so fierce just now, and suddenly he became as obedient as a pet dog?

Where did that terrifying beast with its bloody mouth open and its teeth still stained with flesh go?

"what's going on?

"I just came, I don't understand and ask if this is a dog?" (abfg)

"I wanted to eat Su Shen for a second, why did I get down in the blink of an eye?"

Including Su Yu is also a little surprised by its responsiveness and sensing ability.

"Does this feel dangerous?"

Only in this way can the reason for the double crocodile dragon become like this.

"But I haven't released my breath yet?"

This is what puzzles Su Yu the most, and after thinking about it for a while, it can only be attributed to the instinct of beasts.

Perhaps the sensing ability of the double crocodile dragon is far beyond that of ordinary creatures.

"Will you come with me?"

Su Yu asked the double crocodile dragon in front of him.

Some were afraid that it couldn't understand human words, and Su Yu extended his hand to it.

Without hesitation, he seemed to understand Su Yu's words.

The two crocodile dragons nodded their heads up and down, and their eyes were full of surprises.

The mouth also continued to emit a low and happy roar, and the tail wagged even more.

She, the double crocodile dragon will also be a dog with legs in the future!

Immediately afterwards, she saw that she automatically put her head in Su Yu's palm and rubbed it.

Obviously its head is bigger than Su Yu's body, but it gives a petite and cute feeling.

"Hey, why do I suddenly feel that this monster is a little cute?"

"Me too, what else is going on, God Su, hurry up and explain, why did it suddenly become like this?"

"Shen Su only said one sentence to go with him, this beast seems to agree?"

"Apart from the big spectrum, this monster can still understand people's words?"

Out of the corner of the window saw the question from the barrage, and Su Yu also explained to them:

"The name of this beast is Double Crocodile Dragon, and you can also see that it has two heads and a body like a crocodile, hence the name.

Dicrococcus is a mammal, inedible, with a capture level of Iv40, and it is a very aggressive creature!"

Very aggressive?

After listening to Su Yu's explanation, I looked at the double crocodile dragon who was as happy as a dog.

The audience seemed to have a few greetings in their heads.

Surely this creature is extremely aggressive?

Fortunately, Su Yu seemed to understand their doubts and continued:

"Although this pair of crocodile dragons is extremely aggressive, it is also a creature that worships the strong and will automatically follow creatures stronger than itself.

She should have sensed my strength just now, so she became like this. "

[Ding, you have popularized the double crocodile dragon, and you will get a reward for language proficiency]

[Language Proficiency]: You can communicate with all creatures, as long as they are living creatures!


Seeing this reward, Su Yu's eyes widened in shock!

This skill is not strong, but it is very useful!

All in all, this is a magic trick!

In a sense, this skill is even better than gravity!

I see!

After the other party's explanation, the audience also understood the reason for the change of the double crocodile dragon.

It turned out to be feeling the terrifying strength of God Su!

No wonder he suddenly became as good as a dog!

I have to say, this pair of crocodile dragons has a wider road!

Su Shen is a real thick thigh!

With the surrender of the double crocodile dragon, Su Yu will no longer have to walk by himself.

In the envious eyes of the audience, it jumped on its body and let it carry itself forward.

That scene just envy everyone!

Especially boys, who doesn't want such a powerful and domineering beast as a pet!

In short, Su Yu continued to move forward, but the members only had a double crocodile dragon!.


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