The Gourmet World is Integrated, Start to Popular Science The Rainbow Fruit

Chapter 129 The meat that can cure cancer has been confirmed!

With the addition of the double crocodile dragon, the next journey will be much easier.

After all, its strength is not weak in this forest.

The rest of the creatures just saw the double crocodile dragon from a distance and began to flee.

Sheng is afraid that if he escapes slowly, he will become the object of its mouth~.

"How strong are you here, is there anything stronger than you—?"

Su Yu asked while lying on the back of the Double Crocodile Dragon.

Not to mention, although the scales on the opponent's body are hard, it is really cool to lie down.

It's as cold as a sleeping mat.

The words that suddenly came from the ear made the double crocodile dragon's spirit shocked, how could he understand what the other party said?

Could he also speak the language of his own race?

Confused in his heart, the Double Crocodile Dragon still answered:

"There are a lot of them, they're too strong, I can't beat them.

Thinking of the experience of these years, the eyes of Shuang Crocodile Dragon couldn't help but have some tears.

Don't think that her strength is very strong, it is not enough to see in front of really powerful beasts!

Those beasts that are hundreds of meters high are the real monsters!

Stepping on it is as easy as an ant, so she has been careful all these years.

Whenever she felt a strong aura, she would hide away.

Because the double crocodile dragon knows that those beasts will not reason with her at all, they will only tear up her body and devour her flesh and blood!

Today is all because of Su Yu's body shape is too confusing, and at the same time the breath is hidden very well.

Let her think that it is a very weak ant, but she did not expect that the other party is a real strong!

"Then have you seen a very large creature, about hundreds of times your size."5

Immediately afterwards, Su Yu asked again.

"Yes, that big guy is not far across the White Forest!"

He replied almost immediately, with fear in the eyes of the Double Crocodile Dragon.

The thought of that guy made her whole body tremble.

That is a real monster, even if she is like an ant in front of the other party.

Every time it comes, all the creatures in the forest have to run away.

I am afraid of being trampled to death by it accidentally!

A few days ago, it didn't know why it was ramming everywhere like crazy.

Fortunately, it did not come to the White Forest this time, otherwise the forest would probably be gone.

Nevertheless it came to the borders of the White Forest, ready to flee.

But I didn't expect to meet Su Yu, and everyone knows what happened after that.

"I see."

After listening to the narration of the two-crocodile dragon, Su Yu probably understood the reason why the Ligaru Mammoth went mad.

It is nothing more than that he is anxiously looking for his child because he has disappeared.

While Su Yu was talking with the Shuang Crocodile Dragon, the audience was also having a lively discussion.

They didn't notice the difference at all, because it seemed to them that Su Yu was just whistling with a strange sound.

And the pair of crocodile dragons roared from time to time.

What they care more about than this is that the double crocodile dragon is so obedient!

Just like this, he slowly crawled forward with Su Yu on his back, as if he was afraid that Su Yu would be uncomfortable lying on his back, and deliberately lowered the range of his body swing.

Who doesn't like such a powerful, domineering and careful beast?

"One thing to say, I want to catch a double crocodile dragon as a pet!"

"Stop dreaming, didn't you hear what Su Shen said, this is a beast with a capture level of 40, and it can kill you with a single breath!"

"Ah, although the double crocodile dragon is not good, we can catch other pets, such as the cotton candy rabbit, which is cute and edible, and has a gentle personality. Some time ago, I saw someone sneaking it on the street!"

"Yes, yes, it's just over the Rose Street in Beijing! A lady who is luxuriously dressed and good-looking is walking down the street with a marshmallow rabbit. That rabbit doesn't hurt anyone at all!"

"Really? Officially allowing such a dangerous creature to take to the streets?"

"It is said that it was allowed to be released after it was certified that there is no danger, and the Marshmallow Rabbit has no record of hurting anyone, and there are people in the magic capital.

As the audience's discussion intensified, Su Yu saw it too.

He didn't expect that someone would keep pets ahead of him.

However, the Marshmallow Rabbit is really gentle and generally will not take the initiative to hurt people unless you take the initiative to provoke it.

As long as you give it enough dessert to eat, she will recognize you as the master.

At the same time, when you encounter danger at night, it can lead you to escape, and the speed is beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Not only that, the huge size can help you carry bags or something.

Definitely a good pet for home travel and escape!

"It seems that the world has also announced that it has officially entered the era of gourmet food.

Su Yu thought to himself.

The fact that someone keeps gourmet creatures means that people have begun to accept the existence of these creatures.

It's not mere fear anymore, it's a good start.

Then as soon as they discover the various benefits of gourmet creatures, the world will go crazy!

What Su Yu doesn't know is that people all over the world have gone crazy!

Magic Capital First Hospital,

This is the Underground Drug Research Institute.

The research team headed by Wen Jie is conducting research on millipedes!

They really want to know if millipedes actually cure cancer!

After 48 hours of uninterrupted research, the research team also changed several shifts.

They were finally confirmed.

0. Ask for flowers ......

Millipedes do have cells that clear cancer cells!

"It's true, he didn't lie to us, it's true!"

Wen Jie's wrinkled face was full of excitement and excitement.

The exhaustion all over her body faded away like a tide.

He had never felt so much joy at this moment!

This is a gift, a gift from God to mankind!

To know how many people have died of cancer in the world so far?


And now there is something that can completely cure cancer!

"Dean, new discovery, new discovery!"

At this time, a voice with endless excitement came from the side.

"What's wrong?"

Turning to look, Wen Jie's eyes widened.

Through the microscope he saw that the cells of the centipede engulfed the cancer cells.

Not only that, but this cell can also be transformed into the same cell as the human body!


And the cells are stronger and refreshed!

This also means that the flesh of the centipede can not only treat cancer, but also enhance physical fitness and restore youth!

"Quick, quick to extract this kind of cells, we must be the first to develop drugs, and we must lead the world! We can't let them take the lead!"

If a research team in another country takes the lead in developing a drug, and then applies for a patent, it will be in big trouble!

But what Wen Jie didn't know was that all the medical teams in the Yanlong Kingdom were the first to obtain the centipede meat.

After they obtained it, Song Dingfeng negotiated with people from other countries.

Coupled with the reason why the other party wants to return to China, it will take a lot of time.

Therefore, even now, people from other countries may not have returned to China, let alone research!

In the end, it is a person from his own country, and it is still necessary to give some benefits!

"By the way, let's release the relevant news. It has been confirmed that the millipede can treat cancer, and a drug can be developed immediately!"

With the existence of this kind of cells, Wenjie is confident to manufacture the medicine for the treatment of cancer in the shortest time!

This is a huge leap in the history of human medicine!

In the future, countless people will be saved by this!

Cancer will not be a terminal disease that everyone talks about!

His dream is finally coming to an end, and he can make a great contribution to mankind!

He can save countless people!

That's why he chose to be a doctor!

Similarly, hospitals in other cities of Yanlong Kingdom also made this discovery.

They have published related papers.

And when these papers were released, the whole world boiled again!

Because, the role of the millipede has been confirmed!

Su Shen did not lie to them! Door.

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