The Gourmet World is Integrated, Start to Popular Science The Rainbow Fruit

Chapter 136 The collision of appetites, who is the king?

"The so-called one mountain does not allow two tigers, we still have a clearer distinction between the next priority and the second."

After closing the live broadcast, Su Yu didn't need to cover up, he opened his mouth and said.

"Right on my mind.

Hearing this, Satan's dark pupils narrowed slightly.

The snow-white body stood up from the half-lying position.

The tall body is three meters high, and the terrifying muscles are full of strength.

There are two huge fangs on his hideous face, and a pair of white bone wings under his long snow-white hair.

It is Satan!

The creatures born tens of billions of years ago, because of the horror of their strength, make all creatures talk about color change.

Its existence even makes the entire universe tremble!

It is precisely because of this that it has been dubbed the title of the Demon King!

Now that it has woken up, of course, as a king, it is not willing to live under people for so long!

Likewise, Su Yu won't let an unstable factor run its course within herself.


"Let's fight!"

The two spoke at the same time.

Of course, because Su Yu's body can't withstand Satan's power now.

Therefore, the other party cannot appear in a physical way.

But the two now have another way to compete.

That is appetite!

Appetite comes from instinct, and everyone's appetite is doomed from birth!

Such as Su Yu, the appetite in his body is countless times stronger than that of ordinary people!

Satan's appetite is another dimension of existence!

After all, it is a demon that once traversed the universe, and it has eaten all kinds of ingredients!

Even the planet is swallowed up a lot.


Invisible power began to emanate from Su Yu's body.

The terrifying 01 aura made the surrounding space begin to distort.

Light blue energy and white energy enveloped his body at the same time.

The energy of these two colors is the embodiment of their appetite!

The light blue energy is Su Yu's appetite, and the white energy is Satan's appetite.

The energies of the two colors are intertwined, like entangled snakes.

Intertwined with each other, want to destroy each other!

Over time, the appetite of both gradually expanded.

The light blue and white light even filled the entire body of the Ligaru Mammoth!

That terrifying appetite made all creatures within a radius of thousands of meters feel the danger!

Even that appetite has gradually begun to affect the surrounding things!


As if being corroded by sulfuric acid, the flesh of the Ligaru Mammoth was gradually swallowed up by that appetite.

"Is that so?"

In Su Yu's body, Satan wrapped his arms around his chest with disdain in his eyes.

His tone was full of sarcasm.

If you look closely, you will find that Satan is not calm.

Its heart is very surprised, because it has released one-tenth of its appetite!

Want to know who it is?

Satan, the king of demons, is a creature standing on the top of the entire universe!

Needless to say, appetite, there is no existence in the entire universe that can compete with it.

But what has it discovered now, the appetite in a human body can actually go back and forth with it!

Even if it did not exert its full strength, even if its strength was not at its peak.

What is this human for?

But, what made it even more shocking happened next!

"Hey, this is just the beginning!

Su Yu snorted coldly, his appetite is far more than that!

As long as he can give everything for the food!

And not only the food in this world, he also wants to get the food in the universe!

Even the ingredients of other universes are not spared!

In terms of appetite alone, he will never lose to anyone!

"There can only be one king, and that is me!"

As Su Yu's roar sounded, the light blue brilliance on his body exploded instantly.

The whole world seemed to be illuminated brightly.

so hungry...

I want to eat…


At this moment, Satan saw a giant standing in the universe in a trance.

He's got a knife and fork and he's about to cook the whole universe!

Even it was affected by that terrifying appetite, and there were bursts of hunger in the body.

Satan even has the feeling that he is about to be eaten!


There was an interesting look on Gujing Wubo's face.

It was the first time Satan was so interested in a creature.

Although this appetite is not half as good as it, it is recognized by it!

It didn't intend to compete with the other party at first, just to test whether Su Yu is qualified to be its own host.

Seems to be fine so far.

"Just let me look forward to your growth. 35

If it doesn't live up to its expectations, it will kill him with its own hands!

The words fell, and Satan withdrew his appetite.

The air was silent again.

This also means that Satan voluntarily admits defeat, and if there is any choice in the future, Su Yu will make the decision.

At the same time, if the other party is in any danger, it will also provide help within its capacity.


Seeing this, Su Yu's tense muscles also relaxed.

The light around the body suddenly disappeared.

The facial features, which had become hideous due to too much force, also returned to their original beauty.

This result is not bad.

Although he felt that the other party was a little bit watery, it was fine as long as he won.

He didn't want the other party to make any fools when he was fighting or doing something in the future.

This is also the purpose of Su Yu's fight with each other.

"what is your name?"

After a short fight, Su Yu also found that the other person's personality didn't seem so difficult to get along with.


It's just that Satan's tone is still so arrogant, which makes people feel a little uncomfortable.

"Satan? Demon King?"

Su Yu vaguely remembered that Frozer's food demon in the original book is also called Satan?

"You can call me that. 35

Compared with the word Satan, it prefers the title of Demon King.

Because it sounds pretty high, doesn't it?

The title barely deserves it.

"Forget it, let's call you Satan.

Now that the status has been determined, Su Yu also got up and walked outside.

While walking, chatting with Satan.

"Do you know how long before the world will enter the next change?"

"Seven days.""

In Satan's perception, the walls of this world are gradually torn apart.

The earth is also shaking constantly, and in seven days at most, the world will change again!

"Seven days?"

There is still plenty of time, Su Yu can ask Song Dingfeng and the others to prepare in advance for the next changes.

After all, no one knows what will happen when the world changes.

Su Yu wouldn't necessarily react if a large beast suddenly appeared.

After that, Su Yu kept chatting with each other.

Talk about where Satan came from and how he was born.

It didn't answer most of the topics, but Su Yu learned a few things from its few words.

For example, tens of billions of years ago, a big bang occurred in the universe.

The big bang produced gourmet cells and five universes.

They are black, blue, green, white and red five universes.

And Satan is the devil from the black universe.

As for why the world in which Su Yu lives has changed like this, it also doesn't know.

Rather, Satan wonders why there was no food at all in this world before?

Or is the world a new one that is only now starting to change?

But this doesn't make sense, because this planet has existed for five billion years.

Logically speaking, it should have long since become a planet full of delicious food.

Both of them were suspicious of this.

Su Yu has some clues, maybe this planet is not a planet in the food universe at all!

The universe is not the universe Satan understands!

It came into a universe it didn't know about without knowing it!

In this way, the two walked out of Ligaru Mammoth's body while chatting.

Then continue to walk towards the White Forest.

There is a double crocodile dragon waiting for him there!

Sure enough, after Su Yu arrived in the White Forest, he saw the double crocodile dragon lying there obediently.

There was unparalleled excitement and admiration in his eyes.

There is no other reason, because the other party actually defeated the terrifying elephant!

The monster whose body was hundreds of times bigger than her just fell!

Su Yu's strength gets her adoration!

But at the same time, the body instinct of the two crocodile dragon is afraid.

Vaguely, she seemed to see a white demon floating in Su Yu's body.

The devil just stared at her with his eyes, which made her feel suffocated.

The dark pupils are like death.

A deadly sense of danger came from the whole body, and the scales stood up.

Will die, absolutely will die!

That's a demon, a more terrifying demon than that elephant!

"What's wrong?"

Su Yu looked at the double crocodile dragon's reaction and asked.

"Lord, Master, there is something terrifying in your body."

After Su Yu made a sound, Shuang Crocodile barely recovered and replied tremblingly.

"What's inside me?"

Does the other party perceive the existence of Satan?

It seems that he still underestimates the perception ability of the double crocodile dragon.

"It's okay, let's go." 9

Walking to the front of the double crocodile dragon and patted her on the head, Su Yu signaled her not to be afraid.

At the same time, he jumped on her back.


Since Su Yu said so, the Shuang Crocodile Dragon could only suppress the fear in his heart.

With anxiety and panic in his arms, he cautiously crawled forward.

At the same time, the outside world has exploded!

【Shocking, dreamy gem meat!】

【How beautiful is the meat of a gem that can be used as a marriage proposal!】

Countless articles appear on social software.

It boasted how beautiful and dreamy the flesh of the gem was!

There are a lot of pictures in the article.

The dazzling brilliance of the gem's flesh caught everyone's attention at once!

The brilliance was brighter than gems, and the grease was as gorgeous as fireworks.

The red surface that flows like lava adds a shocking feeling!

"That gem meat is so beautiful, I even think the name gem meat is an insult to it!"

"Fuck, is this really meat? What diamonds, gems, and crystals don't look good enough in front of it!"

"My God, if someone calls me with gem meat, I will immediately agree to his proposal, even if he is a beggar!"

Netizens expressed their excitement and shock in the comment section.

They're fantasizing about how delicious gem meat is!

In short, the world was once again shaken by the discovery of gem meat.

But what they don't know is that an event is about to take the world by storm!

·For flowers…

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