Step, step, step!

The double crocodile dragon carried Su Yu and returned to Rongcheng.

Every step of the walk makes a deafening sound.

That huge body is almost comparable to the scaled monitor lizard.

She looked like a moving fortress under her dark, hard scale armor.

Indestructible and aggressive at the same time.

When Su Yu was 100 kilometers away from Rongcheng, he had already been discovered.

What appeared in his eyes was Liu Qingran, whom he had not seen for a long time.

I saw she was wearing a military uniform with a ponytail tied behind her head.

The capable appearance makes her look heroic.

There was a sweet and innocent smile on her beautiful face.

After seeing the existence of the double crocodile dragon, a hint of fear appeared on Liu Qingran's face.

Sure enough, the experience of watching it on the screen is completely different from watching it in reality.

Only by personal experience can I know how strong the oppression brought by the Shuang Crocodile Dragon is!

Just the breath she spit out made her feel like her body couldn't stop falling backwards.

The hard scales and huge minions were clearly seen by Liu Qingran at such a close distance.

It is precisely because of this that she can more intuitively understand how terrifying the double crocodile dragon is!

But soon, the fear on her face disappeared.

It was replaced by excitement and curiosity.

"Is this the Double Crocodile Dragon?"

While speaking, Liu Qingran walked to the side of the double crocodile dragon.

He even stretched out his hands and stroked the other's body.

The hard and cold scales are like steel, and the thick limbs are covered with muscles.


Seeing this, the Double Crocodile Dragon let out a low roar.

This was her warning to Liu Qingran, which meant that she should not touch her casually.

If it weren't for Su Yu's presence, the two crocodile dragons would have eaten each other directly.

"Okay, you first inform Song Dingfeng and the others, I have something important to tell them."

Su Yu interrupted Liu Qingran's movements and said.

Now is not the time to waste time here.

"important things?"

Hearing this, Liu Qingran's face became suspicious.

But he still contacted Song Dingfeng according to what Su Yu said.

Soon, the call was connected.

Song Dingfeng also learned what happened, and his face became serious when he knew that Su Yu had something important to say.

"I know, I will arrange for someone to pick you up immediately.""

"No, I have a double crocodile dragon here to send me over."

Su Yu rejected the other party's proposal.

In terms of speed, the double crocodile dragon running at full speed is no worse than a helicopter!

Even far more than the speed of a helicopter!

"Are you going with me?"

Su Yu looked at Liu Qingran and asked.

"No, I'm staying here and have something to do"


Liu Qingran shook his head and refused.

While she would love to be with Su Yu too, her work isn't done yet.

"Okay, then I'll go first."

When the words fell, Su Yu rode the double crocodile dragon towards the capital.

Only Liu Qingran was left standing on the spot and staring at the back of his departure.

Boom, boom, boom!

Under the full speed of the double crocodile dragon, the scenery on both sides of the body quickly regressed.

Everything along the way was crashed, and the creatures she occasionally encountered were swallowed by her.

Those weak beasts are no match for her at all.

Every moment, a hill appeared in Su Yu's eyes.

About fifty meters high.

But the double crocodile dragon had no idea of ​​slowing down at all, and slammed into it.

When she saw that she was about to hit the hill, her limbs stomped on the ground!


A huge body with a full tens of meters rose into the sky in an instant, flying in the air like a bird.

She jumped over the fifty-meter-high mountain like this!

It's hard to imagine what a creature with such a large body could do!

As the running speed is getting faster and faster, the emotions of the double crocodile dragon are getting more and more excited.

Just like Erha who had regained his freedom, he couldn't stop at all.

It only took half a day to reach the destination under its full-strength running for a distance of thousands of miles.

Ten kilometers away from the military base, Su Yu came here on a two-crocodile dragon.

The army guarding here soon discovered the existence of the double crocodile dragon.

His pupils instantly widened, and his face was full of horror.

The soldier opened his mouth and shouted:

"All vigilance, monsters are attacking!"

The voice fell, and everyone also discovered the existence of the double crocodile dragon.

But they didn't see Su Yu, because the difference in size between the two was too huge.

The existence of the other party is not so obvious.

In the eyes of those soldiers, they only saw a huge beast with two heads growing towards them!

"too fast!"

That speed made it too late for them to react, and they continued at this speed.

They couldn't even apply for support, and could only pick up the guns in their hands and aimed them at the Shuang Crocodile Dragon.





The distance between the two shrinks at a rate visible to the naked eye.

The soldiers clenched the guns in their hands, sweat dripping from their bodies.


Difficulty swallowing saliva, the monster's size and appearance made them feel fear.

Until the monster was within their firing range, just as they were about to pull the trigger.

A voice entered everyone's ears and organized their movements.

"and many more!"

His eyes couldn't help looking over, and it was Song Dingfeng who came over.

"That's not the enemy.

Song Dingfeng said to them.

"Not the enemy?"

Hearing this, everyone was extremely suspicious.

Is it not an enemy or an ally?

What a joke, this is a real monster!

Because I have been guarding here, I have no time to play with my phone.

The soldiers were unaware that the Shuangsaurus had been recaptured by Su Yu.

That's why they have this reaction.

Looking at Song Dingfeng hesitantly.

The other party didn't explain too much, just stood there and waited.

Seeing this, the surrounding soldiers also put down their firearms out of trust in Song Dingfeng.

They could only watch the monster approaching them at high speed.

Boom, boom!

The monster was running wildly, and the earth was howling.

The two huge heads opened their bloody mouths, and huge tongues were spit out from them.

The viscous saliva splashed around with countless flesh and blood.

It's not an ally in any way!

The whole body was trembling and stood on the spot, and everyone's heart was clenched.

When the Double Crocodile Dragon appeared in front of them, they even couldn't help closing their eyes.

Seems to be welcoming the next death.

However, there was no pain in the body for a long time.

Opening their eyes suspiciously, they saw the Shuangcrocodile Dragon actually stopped in front of them!

That oppressive body made everyone swallow their saliva involuntarily.

The terrifying and ferocious appearance made them almost unable to hold their guns.

There were bursts of weakness in the limbs, and it was only by perseverance that he could barely maintain a standing posture.

But then, something even more shocking happened.

The monster actually lowered its head!

Behind it, a man slowly walked out.

"`, God Su?!"

After everyone saw the figure of the man, their eyes widened.

Why did the other party appear here?

Could this monster have been subdued by God Su?

Soon, they figured out why.

No wonder Chief Song told them not to shoot, it was because of this.

If this had happened before, they would not have believed it anyway.

But if it happened to Su Shen, it would not be surprising.

Because the other party itself represents a miracle!

"Mr. Su, it's great that you can return safely.

After seeing Su Yu, Song Dingfeng also walked over immediately and greeted him warmly.

"Well, this is for you."

As usual, Su Yu handed over the gene collection device to the other party.

This (well) has the genes of two crocodile dragons, Yaqi snails, and Ligaru mammoths.

"Haha, thank Mr. Su for his contribution, we will never forget it."

After taking over the gene collection device, the smile on Song Dingfeng's face became more and more intense.

"Okay, this time I'm here to tell you something important. Luo

Su Yu didn't talk nonsense either and went straight to the topic.

"Well, please come with me."

Seeing Su Yu in such a hurry, Song Dingfeng also realized that this matter might be extraordinary.

His face suddenly became serious, and he gestured to speak inside.

But there is still one problem to be dealt with, that is, what to do with this double crocodile dragon?

"Don't worry, just leave her out and she won't cause trouble. 35

Seeing Song Dingfeng's gaze towards him, Su Yu also knew what the other party was worried about.

"That's fine.

After that, the two got into the car and drove towards the base.

All that was left was the figure of the double crocodile and longan looking at Su Yu's departure.

And a kind of terrified soldier, is it really good to put her with them?

The other party really won't eat their father?

But Su Yu was destined to lose their voices.

Meanwhile, the emergency meeting is held again!

…for flowers

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