The Gourmet World is Integrated, Start to Popular Science The Rainbow Fruit

Chapter 138 The emergency hedging plan is launched!

Liu Tianzheng, Song Dingfeng, Yan Bing...

All the important commanders and important figures in the army are here.

And standing in front of everyone is Su Yu!

"Everyone, are we meeting for the first time?"

Su Yu looked at all the boss-level people present with a smile on his face, without any stage fright at all.

Rather, others should fear him.

As his strength increased, his aura became stronger and stronger.

Even if it is deliberately suppressed, it will exude a strong sense of oppression.

This is also the reason why everyone looked at Su Yu with dignified expressions.

This is the first time these high-level figures have felt such a strong sense of oppression in front of others.

Even the aura of the presidents of other countries is completely incomparable to Su Yu!

Sure enough, it's better to be famous than to meet each other. Only by experiencing it in person can you feel the terrifying power of the other party as deep as the sea!

"First meeting, my name is Su Yu."

There was no response, Su Yu said to himself.

"I believe everyone already knows the purpose of this meeting, and that is because there are important things to happen. 99

"A big deal?"

Hearing this, someone finally couldn't help but ask.

The person asking the question was a middle-aged man with a bright bald head.

His face was solemn, with a long moustache hanging on his face.

There are also patterns engraved on his body, making him look like a gangster.

However, he was born in the military family of Miao Genzhenghong, named Lu Shen.

Impatient, he was very confused about the convening of this emergency meeting.

Coupled with Su Yu's appearance and words, he couldn't help asking.

"Shh, don't be impatient."

Su Yu made a silent gesture to him, so that the other party would not interrupt him.

This action looks like an action made by a superior to a subordinate, and the other party is obviously an army commander in a big city.

At this moment, in front of Su Yu, it was completely like a subordinate, but everyone strangely didn't feel any sense of disobedience.

As if it should be.

“As we all know, a year ago, our world changed, followed by a variety of creatures.35

Following Su Yu's words, the screen behind him also lit up.

What appeared on the screen were various creatures, the ones he had encountered so far.

Such as Andrew Leopard Cow, Glara Giant Crocodile, Trou King Kong leader...

"These creatures taste delicious, and some of them have amazing properties.

For example, the millipede can cure cancer, and the rock drum can cure burns. "

Two pictures appeared on the screen again.

Impressive photos of centipedes and rock drums.

Immediately afterwards, Su Yu continued:

"Although these creatures are very terrifying for ordinary people, their existence is a gift and a miracle.

We should not fear them, but should accept their existence and make the best use of them. Of course, you can't do it with your current strength, so I won't say much. "5

Hearing this, everyone rolled their eyes.

You know we can't do it and it's crap?

"I just want to warn everyone, otherwise it is very likely that other countries will seize the opportunity.

And I also know that you have doubts about my strength and wonder why I am so strong. 39

Hearing Su Yu taking the initiative to bring up this topic, the expressions of the people around were shocked.

Staring at each other, this look also proves that what Su Yu said is correct.

"But I regret to tell you that it's not that I don't want to tell you how to become stronger, but that I tell you, you can't do it either."

"Why can't it be done?"

At this time, someone asked a question.

A beautiful woman with glasses holding a book in her hands.

Looking very intellectual, sitting next to a man.

Should be acting like a secretary.

Su Yu did not respond to her doubts, but her face suddenly became very serious.

"Returning to the topic, please be mentally prepared for what I am going to tell you next. 99

Listening to the serious tone, the atmosphere in the entire space became tense.

Liu Tianzheng also listened very seriously, wanting to know what the hell was going on, it was worth Su Yu asking him to mobilize his teachers to hold an emergency meeting.

"The world is about to usher in another change."

The voice fell, and the air instantly became silent.

Everyone was shocked by this news.

The world is about to change again?!


The meeting room became noisy.

"How is it possible, the world has become a hundred times bigger, can it be bigger?"

"If (abfg) if the world gets bigger again, will there be more terrifying creatures?"

"Is this kind of thing really possible, Mr. Su, are you sure you're not talking nonsense?"

"Yeah, why do you know the world will change again?"

Nonsense, because my world has changed, can I not know?

Hearing their question, Su Yu thought to himself.

But it must not be said that, so he opened his mouth and said:

"Why do I know that you don't need to worry about it, but the news must be true, and it will be seven days later at the latest!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone fell into the discussion again.

There was obvious disbelief and doubt on his face.

What about bullshit, can you know that the world is changing again?

Although you are very powerful, can you still predict whether you will succeed or not?

"Su Yu, are you sure the news is true?"

Liu Tianzheng did not ask questions like the others, but was seeking proof.

"Hmm. 35

After seeing Su Yu nodding, Liu Tianzheng understood.

The world is really about to change again!

Although he didn't know how Su Yu knew the news, he believed the other party.

"Your purpose is to prepare us for the danger that will come next?"

Then, Liu Tianzheng asked again.

"Yes, I don't know what will happen after this world change, so you still have to strengthen your realm, and you must prevent sudden dangers and reduce the loss of life and property."

"I see.

Nodding, Liu Tianzheng also gave orders to others.

"Start the emergency hedging plan."


Hearing Liu Tianzheng's order, the rest of the people showed disbelief.

Know what an emergency hedging plan is.

This has to start with the arrival of those beasts a year ago.

From that day on, the Yanlong Kingdom began to excavate underground caves in various cities across the country.

Then, an underground emergency shelter is established in the cave, in order to cope with some disasters that break into it.

But if it is not forced, this opportunity must not be implemented.

Otherwise, the economy and production will suffer heavy losses!

Is it too irrational to start this plan with just a few words from the other party?

"General Liu, I don't think we can start an emergency hedging plan. 35

"Yes, General Liu, you must not!"

"Once this plan is launched, the economy of Yanlong Kingdom will be set back two years at least!"

"Mr. Su's strength is strong, but this kind of thing cannot be believed with a single sentence, especially since he has not produced definite evidence. 35

Everyone opened their mouths to persuade them.

It's a pity that Liu Tianzheng's position is very simple, he believes in Su Yu for free!

"Don't say any more, immediately implement the plan and let everyone hide in the shelter!"

"Very wise decision. 35

Su Yu looked at Liu Tianzheng with admiration, such a person is the real pillar of the country and a national hero.

In the face of right and wrong, you can clearly distinguish the priorities.

Others only know that the national economy will be set back two years because of this safe haven.

But why don't they think about how much damage will be caused if people don't escape when disaster strikes?

So, under Liu Tianzheng's insistence, the plan was launched!

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