The Gourmet World is Integrated, Start to Popular Science The Rainbow Fruit

Chapter 139 The reaction of all parties, excitement and excitement

the next day,

The official Yanlong Kingdom announced a shocking news.

Disaster is coming!

Everyone has to hide in the underground shelter and can't come out until the disaster is over~.

"What a joke, disaster is coming, isn't it good? I don't - go!"

"There is no doubt that the SB upstairs will deceive people? Don't blame us for not reminding you when you find yourself dead."

"Alas, what kind of disaster is it, the government actually wants people all over the country to escape."5

"I don't know, but it must be an earth-shattering event!"

People are talking about this news, some are skeptical, some are shocked, some are terrified...

Of course, they still believe the official word.

Therefore, most people chose to cooperate and walked out of the house to the street.

As for a small number of people, they are disdainful, thinking that the official is too fussy.

Looking at the clear sky, where does it look like there is a disaster?

There were long queues on the streets and alleys, and everyone moved forward in an orderly manner under the command of the soldiers.

"Don't be crowded, everyone has plenty of time, you can take your time!"

A leading soldier spoke on the radio, and the commotion among the crowd gradually became smaller.

However, there is still a faint voice of discussion.

Everyone's faces were filled with confusion and fear.

They don't know what will happen next, what will happen in the future.

What is it that the country should take so seriously?

This is also a microcosm of all the cities in Yanlong.

There are long queues in cities big and small at this moment.

The streets and alleys were crowded.

As the first resident stepped into the shelter, he found it depressing.

The space is filled with a sense of silence and coolness.

The dark space was illuminated by bright lights, but my heart was very uneasy.

Depression and panic filled my heart.

But survival instincts kept him going.

first, second...

The number of people in the shelter gradually increased, and the depression in the air was relieved a lot.

time passes slowly,

The number of people in the city is rapidly decreasing, and the bustling and bustling city has become empty and lonely.

It also creates a tinge of unease for those who continue to choose to stay at home.

There was hesitation on his face, but in the end he chose to stay at home.

"I don't believe it's really dangerous!"

And this scene of Yanlong Kingdom was also seen by other countries.

"A disaster is coming?"

Looking at the scene in front of him, Rahim frowned.

Don't understand what the other party is doing.

"Hmph, what disaster is coming, but we haven't received any news. Those high-level officials of Yanlong Kingdom are really stupid!"

Cross did not believe that there was any disaster at all, after all, there was no news from their beautiful country.

How could the other party know?

The main thing is that they did not build large shelters at all!

They only built shelters for high-level personnel.

As for the safety of those residents?

About his bird?

It doesn't matter how many civilians die.

"Cross, what do you think?"

After Raheem thought to no avail, he still chose to ask the other party.

"The Yanlong Kingdom is a stupid choice, so even if there is any disaster, their economy will be set back at least two years because of these few days!"

With an arrogant and disdainful sneer on his face, Cross said sarcastically,

"Even if there is any disaster, they will suffer huge losses if they escape by chance!"

He didn't understand what was in the minds of the senior people of Yanlong Kingdom.

Righteousness and morality?

That kind of thing is worthless, and it doesn't matter how many ordinary civilians die.

If Cross was given the choice, it would not have taken such a course even in a real disaster.


Raheem also agreed with Cross's statement, believing that the other party was too stupid.

But what they don't know is what the consequences of this disaster will be!

Meanwhile, Sakura Country.

Yamamoto Kiyotaka looked at the messages and pictures from the phone.

Doubt filled his mind.

"Is disaster coming?"

Compared with the arrogance of Raheem and Cross, Yamamoto Kiyotaka is obviously much more sober.

He tried to empathize with the problem.

What exactly deserves Yanlong Kingdom to choose to do this?

Is there really a disaster coming?

Thinking of this, the first thought in his mind was disbelief.

Because their detectives found nothing unusual at all.

Even because of the sea, their country was not hurt by those beasts.

But then, he thought of another thing.

Su Yu!

That terrifying, incredible man.

Could it be that he noticed something, so Yanlong Kingdom did this?

"If that's the case, then we're going to be ready too. 99

Yamamoto Kiyotaka thought so.

But he did not choose to do the same as the Yanlong Kingdom.

Because the Sakura Country is already small, if the economy goes backward for a few more years, then they will always lag behind other countries.

"Then step up your guard.

Yamamoto Kiyotaka's heart was filled with deep unease as he issued his own orders to the deserted person.

"I hope my choice is correct.

Not just beautiful country and cherry blossom country.

As a neighbor, Hairy Bear Country immediately discovered the abnormality of Yanlong Country.

They called an urgent meeting.

I saw President Pulley standing at the front with a serious face, and said:

"I believe everyone has understood the purpose of this meeting, so tell me your views."

"My dear President, I think we just need to do the same with them.

Charlotte was the first to respond, with a faint smile on her face.

"Why do you think so?"

Puli was a little puzzled, knowing that it is not a trivial matter for the whole country to hide in shelters.

The economy will therefore regress significantly, and if it is not handled properly, it will even lead to an economic crisis.

However, the other party made this decision so easily.

"Does your Excellency President think that the top executives of Yanlong Kingdom are all fools?"

Charlotte did not answer directly, but asked rhetorically.

"of course not."

If the top executives of Yanlong Kingdom were fools, then Puli felt that there were no smart people in this world.

"That's incredible, they must have their own reasons for doing this, didn't they say that disaster is coming.

"But we haven't received any news and notifications."

Mao Xiong Country's exploration technology is not bad, and if there is an earthquake or disaster, it can accurately predict.

0. Ask for flowers ......

That's why Poole hesitated.

"Not all disasters can be predicted, did Your Excellency the President forget a year ago?35

The person who said this was another high-level executive, and his words shocked everyone.

Puli's pupils suddenly widened.

What happened a year ago, no one does not know.

The world suddenly became bigger, and the monsters came!

"Could it be that?"

There was an ominous premonition in his heart.

Is the world still going to change?

That would be a catastrophe, a great catastrophe!

"In addition, the Yanlong Kingdom has a magical man, and we have reason to believe that the Yanlong Kingdom's approach is correct. 35

The voice fell, and the air was filled with silence.

Everyone present was lost in thought and anxiety.

Even Charlotte's face became serious.

"You're right, the Yanlong Kingdom is smart. Their country can always exist in this world because they can avoid crises and even overcome them every time."5

After thinking for a long time, Puli also made up his mind.

"Start the Ark Project.

The Ark Project, as the name suggests, allows everyone to escape.

The Bear Country also has its own sanctuary!

country of chariots, country of eagle sauce,

Many countries have followed the example of beautiful countries.

They were full of ridicule and disdain for the actions of Yanlong Kingdom.

Their eyes were even more like looking at a clown, and they were even imagining how much the economy of the Yanlong Kingdom would regress after this incident.

Will they be able to invade again?

The choice of two countries is the same as that of the hairy bear country.

They are Alabasta and the country of sticks.

Needless to say, the friendship between the two makes them unconditionally trust each other.

Not to mention that their country is already poor, it doesn't matter if it goes back a few decades.

As long as the population is still there, they can always turn around with the resources of this world.

Although the latter was bragging all day long, he even attempted to steal the history and culture of the Yanlong Kingdom.

But at this time, they completely trust this giant dragon that has been standing in the world for countless years.

"Hey, I don't know what will happen after this world change, I hope fewer people die this time."

Su Yu looked at the empty city and couldn't help sighing.

There was a hint of sadness on his face.

"Hypocrisy. 35

Seeing this, the Satan in Su Yu's body showed disdain.

In its perception, the other party is now incomparably excited and excited!

He was so excited that his whole body was shaking uncontrollably.

"You don't understand, although I am excited by the changes in the world, I am also saddened by the passing of my fellow man."

Humans are such contradictory creatures.

Sighing again, Su Yu also returned to his room.

Sharapova has been driven to the shelter by him.

He was the only one in the house at the moment, but he didn't feel lonely.

As Satan said, he is so excited now!

Just thinking about the upcoming delicacies made his saliva almost drool.

"Don't worry, there are still a few days left."

Closing his eyes, Su Yu also began to rest.

He wants to recuperate and go all out to deal with the next change.

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