Cutting off the branches is not enough to cause much damage to it!

What's more, there are thousands of vines, and before you can cut them all off, the juice sprayed from its mouth will not give you any chance to get close to it.

Just by looking at the white bones around here, you can see the power of this twisted dryad.

Su Yu explained to everyone, and did not seem to be nervous, even though the attack power of the monster on the opposite side was approaching his current limit.

Such a calm and calm attitude finally calmed everyone who was boiling with fear in the live broadcast room.

Let everyone believe that the "Su God" in their mouths will never lose at any time.

Trust him, follow him.

Su Yu stared at the Twisted Dryad, thinking about what skills to use to practice cooperation this time.

Inch strength?

Too many vines, inconvenient to get close.

Acupuncture is the same.

He avoided effortlessly, while observing, who knew that the same thing that flashed by made him almost vomit.

what is that?

The dryad's stomach bag hidden in its mouth?

The moment he passed by, Su Yu was sure that he saw a pair of eyes.

But how is this possible?

He no longer hesitated, no longer thought about what attack method to use.

The anesthesia gun was thrown out, but unexpectedly failed——

You know, his anesthesia tool can turn over several ozone grasses as tall as a mountain in a row.

It doesn't work now.

No, it cannot be said to be completely ineffective.

Just let the twisted dryad pause for a while, and then continue to sway to kill himself.

The vines that covered the sky, densely covered like spider webs, attacked like water snakes, attacking him.

After all, no matter what the ozone grass said, it wouldn't have such a big killing intent.

Such a powerful plant, it is said to be a plant, but looking at the sharp teeth that it has evolved, I guess I know how many creatures it has swallowed before it gave birth to such a behemoth.

Su Yu was already angry.

He had heard that the more leafy the plant, the more numerous corpses were buried underneath.

The anesthesia gun strikes again.

Immediately after his hands turned into blades, Su Yu shot up, taking advantage of the momentary pause in the twisted dryad, cutting straight in, breaking off countless branches and vines, and slashing.

Mid face.

The attack is over, and the life of the twisted dryad is over.

I don't know how many air roots the behemoth has grown and collapsed.

The yellowed and withered branches and vines not only took away the vitality of the twisted tree spirit, but also brought the emptiness of the nearby hundreds of miles.

This area of ​​more than 100 miles is actually the territory of this monster.

Su Yu finished the battle beautifully and crisply, but he did not enjoy the fruit of his victory like the previous few times - the heart of the twisted tree spirit, which is a rare ingredient, comparable to the core of ozone grass.

Everyone in the live broadcast room saw him quickly walk to the depths of the tree trunk, and slapped the Twisted Dryad's shriveled face and lost its moisture.


In the live broadcast room, some people were already vomiting.

In the stomach bag of the twisted dryad, seven or eight blood-thorned hula "corpses" were revealed

It was not until Su Yu touched the neck blood vessels of several people and felt those slight beatings that he finally breathed a sigh of relief, "I'm still alive.

"Is it the team? Is it really them? God, they're still alive, God!

"Why so much blood, it can't be a tree spirit, is it really still alive?"

"Shen Su said that he is still alive, woo woo, I'm so moved, I want to give a reward! 99

It was another treasure map rain, but Su Yu under the camera, except for the words just now, couldn't care about the audience in the live broadcast room.

He carefully dragged out several members that had not been digested in the stomach bag—

It's not that no one was injured, and even the most serious one had more than half of his head corroded, and his eyes were already useless.

One of them, I think, had his arm broken in the previous confrontation with the dryad.

There are also people's legs, which are also empty...

And skin.

All were corroded, the worst.

Almost every one here has serious skin damage. Because of the gastric juice of the tree essence, there is almost no complete skin on the body surface of everyone.

At that time, Su Yu thought that everyone had been sacrificed. With the attack of the tree spirits, he even saw the guns equipped by the team members, as well as the familiar pieces of clothing, which made him red-eyed and eager to solve the damn thing. Dryad.


Xu Shi has seen the miserable state of the team members, and everyone's rewards have not stopped, but they have lost the excitement just now.

"What Su God, it's fake to find someone, and it's real to come here to eat and drink. Otherwise, why did it take so long to find someone! 35

"Where is the black fan who jumped out upstairs, talking nonsense.

"Everyone has found out recently, there are a lot of black fans."

"The IP address shows the beautiful country? Is this some kind of conspiracy! 35

"This plant hell is really terrifying. If you are not as strong as Su Shen, and you are as unfortunate as the team members, then it is true that you can't even beat plants, and you can only be used as fertilizer and meat tickets for others.

"`.Hey, I don't even dare to eat vegetables because of what you said. God Su, hurry up and get out of here, it's wet, hot and gloomy, I'm going to grow mushrooms.

And Su Yu really has no plans to stay here.

After several trips back and forth, he finally took all the team members out of the jungle and brought them to a safe place, and he began to treat everyone's wounds.

Those broken arms and stumps can't be found now, and even if they are found, they can't be connected.

And skin.

Immediately after exposure to air, consequent infections can follow.

In the past, maybe Su Yu could only reluctantly send everyone out, but now...

"Now in this magical world, only you can't think of it, and you can't do it without you.

Among the team members, someone has already woken up.

Or that they have been awake all the time.

But after this tragic battle, looking at their teammates and their blood-covered bodies, they even felt that perhaps death was the only way to get rid of the fire.

Maybe it was because he felt the dead energy of the team members, or maybe it was because everyone was different from the silence when they came, Su Yu rummaged through the medicine, and said: "Don't be discouraged, as far as I know, you can grow new limbs and restore your body. There are no less than ten kinds of ingredients for skills! 99

With his unwavering tone, lying on the ground, it can be said that everyone who is determined to die, his eyes gradually became watery, and he looked towards Su Yu who was constantly encouraging them.

"Eyes can also grow, and broken limbs can be reborn. There is also skin, and even if you want to beautify, you want to pinch your face like a game, as long as you want, these ingredients will grow there and return to their original appearance, but it's just a matter of time. Get it? Now I have to make sure you guys stay alive before the rescue team comes!

Su Yu Chanyeol laughed, and out of nowhere came the cry of the rest of his life.

Soon, the crying gradually stopped.

But Su Yu found out that he didn't have that many, enough medicines....

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