Su Yu always double-checks her stockpile of belongings before she leaves.

However, with the continuous upgrading of its own cells, the body that has been tempered by battle has reached the point where ordinary injuries do not require medication, and ordinary medicines for serious injuries and disabilities are useless.

Of course, so far, he has not experienced serious injury or disability.

No matter how many and all the medicines in the space are, it is still unable to deal with the scene of many people being seriously injured.

The skin of the team members was almost completely corroded. In the previous encounter with the Twisted Dryad, not to mention the broken limbs and broken arms, the internal injuries were also extremely serious.

If it is Su Yu, these can still be healed quickly by relying on the strong self-regeneration ability of cells almost instantly without the need for medication.

But now...

Su Yu watched everyone grit their teeth, and there was an uncontrollable moan of pain in her ears. She had to give up the rescue team that was waiting for tomorrow. Instead, she turned around and looked for it. On this continent, near this beach, you can use the food for treatment.

He can't go very far yet.

Compared to the well-equipped and well-equipped eight-man squad when they went to the Sky Island before, the wounded who are now covered in blood and whose equipment is no longer available are obviously even less able to deal with the endless dangers on this continent.

The 153 live broadcast facility had long since been shut down, and Su Yu found a huge wine palm tree on the beach.

【Wine coconut】

Palm family Coconut

Capture Level: Iv1

Living in hot and humid tropical and subtropical regions, the interior is coconut water that is as sweet as liqueur.

Pure natural fermentation, mellow and smooth, not too high, you will get drunk if you are not careful.

"There is no doubt that it is an ingredient that is prohibited for minors to eat," Su Yu closed the live broadcast, but still can't forget "Old Work", dutifully sharing with you, "Our country does not like to employ child labor, I want to come to you all Would you mind taking a bite? 39

[Ding, you have popularized wine coconut, reward physique +1]

Su Yu was chopping coconuts one by one, and was startled when he heard the sound of the system.

It turns out that there is no need to start a live broadcast to get rewards?

Yes, as long as it is popularizing for everyone, there will always be rewards, but the value of the physique reward is probably determined according to the extent of the spread?

Thinking of Commander Liu Tianzheng, who cooperated with him, he is already preparing to open a column on the official website based on the information he provided to record and popularize the novel species discovered by Su Yu to the general public.

Su Yu thought that he would popularize and share the ingredients of these new worlds with more people, and he would get a lot of rewards, so he got excited, and the action of chopping coconuts under his hands became faster and faster.

But unlike Su Yu, who was getting excited, the team members didn't have much emotion.

"Because the medicine is not enough, but everyone's body can't wait for the rescue team that will arrive here tomorrow, look here now! 33 Su Yu clapped his hands and pointed to the raffia palm on his hand, "Because the degree is very high, it can be used with to deal with trauma, but it is very painful to directly treat trauma with alcohol. Next, I will also use anesthesia for everyone


Except for the anesthetic, Su Yu took out all the available medicines and ingredients in the space.

The specific process is really bloody and cruel, although everyone doesn't feel much pain because of Su Yu's anesthesia skills - the anesthetic can play a certain pause on the behemoth of the Twisted Dryad, and naturally it will not fail on the team members. .

But Su Yu still couldn't bear to watch more and didn't want to recall.

When Su Yu found the eight team members, it was in the stomach of the twisted dryad, and they were dragged into the jungle without even seeing what the dryad looked like.

"We camped at night, and two people were on duty outside the tent," Huang Qi, who was still slightly injured, told Su Yu about what happened to the eight people the night before after briefly dealing with the wound, "I remember that in order to prevent the high tide, the sea Rolling away the tent, the eight of us were clearly sleeping on the edge of the beach, far away from the forest. 35(abfg)

Su Yu remembered Huang Qi, a very heroic and cheerful young man. Eight of them, the accident happened almost on the night he landed on the island in the sky.

"The captain has been very vigilant. He and I kept vigils together, and always said that they heard rustling noises. At first everyone thought it was the high tide of the sea, but..."

"It's a low tide," another said. "The water is getting farther and farther away. It's not a low tide. But the captain said it's not the time for a low tide."

"The captain called everyone up and brought all the equipment with them. Just when we were discussing whether to set off for the return flight or continue to wait and see for a while, Xiao Wang suddenly said that the forest will move. 35

"We just watched helplessly, the forest seemed to have long legs and moved towards us little by little.

The forest expanded at an alarming rate.

No, it should be said, the entire fiber continent.

Next, the keen captain immediately decided to ask the team members to return to the cabin, and planned to report to their superiors during the return journey to inform Su Yu of the temporary evacuation.

Unfortunately, none of them were able to beat the speed of annexation of the Fiber Continent.

The tents were confiscated, and they soon encountered the twisted dryad that had entered their territory with the expansion.

As for the plane?

"It may have been dragged into the sea.

When Su Yu killed the Twisted Dryad and opened his stomach to retrieve the man, he also found the remains of a whole undigested red-haired pig.

Thinking about it, the Twisted Dryad was already full, and after discovering eight people, they didn't immediately get rid of a few people.

Instead, it hangs in its own "mouthpiece" as a reserve grain.

A few of them are really lucky, relying on their excellent physical fitness, they can survive until Su Yu arrives.

When Su Yu rescued them, several of them were extremely weak. If the rescue team was waiting for tomorrow, it is very likely that everyone would have died in the digestive juice of the twisted dryad, or died of infection and exhaustion.

While waiting for the anesthesia effect to pass, Su Yu picked out the available ingredients from the space and waited for everyone to eat them when they were cooking dinner to restore their vitality.

After experiencing life and death together, and being rescued by Su Yu, everyone saw that Su Yu's hand was just plucking from the void, and after taking out the mountain-like food, all those who wanted to be together should not see the strangeness in it. place.

The mystery about Su Yu doesn't stop there.

In addition to the explanation given by Commander Liu Tianzheng before everyone left, Captain Wang Xingwu also hinted to several members of the team that Su Yu, who wants everyone to win cooperation with the country, in addition to respecting and cooperating, is kept secret.

When it comes to Su Yu, the other members of the team may have some doubts, but Wang Xingwu does know the level of secrecy. Perhaps no one in the research institute, except the commander, has the authority to ask about Su Yu.

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