Xiao Jing nodded.

"Well, I see!"

It seems that Shiyi's practice is not easy, but he does not seek to catch up with Su Yu.

"Old Xiao, although you have a preliminary understanding of food righteousness, it is not profound!"5

He was heartbroken.

Is it just a preliminary understanding? In Yunyin Restaurant, his hard training is only preliminary?

"Come on, Lao Xiao, let me try your skills now!

Xiao Jing's expression froze.

The people in the live broadcast room can start to feel sorry for him.

"God Su! How could he be your opponent? You are bullying him too much!"

"God Su, hahaha, it's too much! But I like-like it!

"God Su wants to do this.

Although he knew in his heart that he was no match for Su Yu at all, there must be a reason why he wanted to do it.

"it is good!"

He poses and waits for Su Yu to come!

The latter came off and smiled.

"Old Xiao, don't say I bully you, just attack me with all your power and moves! I will control my power!

He just waited for Su Yu's words.

If he was serious, even if he beat him to death, he wouldn't be able to hurt a single hair of his hair.



He punched the fist from the monster made of his 200,000 hairs.

Su Yu's body didn't have any special movements, but simply turned sideways and dodged.

"Old Xiao, continue!"

"Humph! 39 Xiao Jing snorted coldly, "I'll see how you hide this time!

Hair piercing!

After he tightened and hardened each strand of hair, it formed countless spears, spreading out stabbing strikes all around, like the shape of fireworks.

It is impossible to dodge such a dense attack if you just want to simply turn sideways as before.

Su Yu's body seemed to be fused with the wind, and simply jumped into the air.

Xiao Jing's hair was all hitting the wall, and the small holes on it showed the power of this move.

Been dodged again?

He is very unwilling!


His hair condensed into a mesh and quickly enveloped Su Yu!

"Success! 35

Although this move is not offensive, it is enough to limit Su Yu's movements!


Another blow.

Su Yu just casually shoved his hair punch with his hand.

The fist hit crookedly and hit the wall, and a deep pit the size of one person appeared on the wall.

"Old Xiao, are you just hiding?

"of course not!

"Next, it's my turn to attack, you have to be careful.

Inch strength!

Su Yu jumped out of the net and quickly galloped towards Xiao Jing, concentrating on his arms.

Seeing this, he quickly manipulated his hair to block it in front of him.

fly back!

Using the flexibility of the hair to catch the attack and rebound it, it can not only defend, but also rebound the attack of the attacker with no difference.

He was waiting for this time, he knew that Su Yu could not be attacked.

Then just retaliate the attack in the past!

It was exactly as he thought.

Cun Jin hit his hair, and there was no terrifying power in his imagination!

To be fair, Su Yu said he would control his power.

He should control his power at the same level as him!

"Old Xiao, taste your own attack! 35

Just when he was expecting Su Yu's attack to return to himself.

I saw Su Yu's hand go through his hair and hit his lower abdomen.

But the power is not strong, it didn't cause much damage to him, just a little pain.

Xiao Jing was very surprised.

"Why! Such a weak force, is it because of my hair?"

This time Su Yu gave him the answer.

"No, it's just that I control my power, and my power is just an ordinary adult! 35

Ordinary adult?

The power Su Yu showed was indeed very small, but an ordinary adult should not cause any harm to him.

There shouldn't be even the slightest sense of pain.

What's more, Su Yu's inch strength penetrated his hair.

Xiao Jing's face was full of anger, and then he controlled his hair and launched a storm-like attack

But these attacks were dodged one by one, and even Su Yu found an opportunity to hit him twice.


Xiao Jing gasped for breath.

The attack just now had used up all his stamina.

"Old Xiao, controlling his own power is similar to that of an ordinary person. That's it, you can't win against me. Do you know why?"

0 asking for flowers.....

"Why? Is it because of food righteousness?

Xiao Jing was puzzled, just said that the power used by Su Yu was not strong.

"Yes! Your attack is stronger than mine, but all of this consumes too much physical strength, and there are too many indifferent movements. Do you think eating righteousness is spirit?"

Isn't it right? From the beginning to the present, isn't the food righteousness handed to him just gratitude and courtesy for the ingredients?

Su Yu went on to say:

“Food righteousness is not just spiritual, it can also be applied to physical and technical aspects.35

"After mastering the righteousness, your attacks can be sent out with only one-tenth of your current physical strength! And your speed and accuracy will be greatly improved! 95

"But my power surpasses yours by too much, and all the words I say may be less believable.


Xiao Jing lowered his head.

"I believe!

Just the power that Su Yu showed just now, it was the level of an ordinary person! He could feel it.

Although it was a crushing battle.

But it still made the audience in the live broadcast room feel very shocked.

"Is it just the power of ordinary people? That is to say, I can be so strong after learning the righteousness of food?

"I don't believe it, God Su must have lied to me!

"I also want to learn food righteousness, Su Shen teach me!

Su Yu did not expect that Xiao Jing would recognize it so simply, nor did he expect that so many viewers in the live broadcast room would want to learn food righteousness!

"Okay, if you are interested, just follow me to learn!

So he began to issue the first task.

He brought a pair of long chopsticks to Xiao Jing, and then placed two small bowls in the distance.

One bowl was empty and the other was full of beans.

"Old Xiao, just use these five-meter-long chopsticks to put the beans in the bowl into another bowl!

Such a difficult task in the beginning?!

In the live broadcast room, those who were screaming to learn to eat righteousness flinched.

"Ah? That's so difficult? Forget it, I'm not suitable! I'll still be my handsome man quietly.

"Bah, stinky shameless!"

"Oh, it's too difficult, I just can't do it if I want to learn it! I'd better eat my meal honestly!

Although this matter was difficult, Xiao Jing had already practiced in Yunyin Restaurant, so it was not impossible to complete the door.

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