The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 127: Peaches and plums on shirt

   The last sentence Xu Hengchuan said was: "Write down the person's appearance. Be sure to tell the door, Tao Li Hua Xian!"

   Just now, Xu Hengchuan's shot against Jiang She's shoulder was very slow, but very decisive.

   However, the last breath, in the short time he slowly turned around, actually had the thought of overturning in his mind.

Jiang She's words are not true. There must be something abnormal in the Jiang family. This is for sure, but his mission on this trip is only to ask questions and understand the situation related to Jiang Gongping. Since things have changed, the safest and safest way is to withdraw and return to Vientiane. The door report will be determined by another investigation at the door.

   can leave now with an excuse, or find an excuse to resign tomorrow morning, but Xu Hengchuan immediately rejected this idea.

   Cao Jiashu and Hua Lanting could only judge something wrong from the clues, but Xu Hengchuan had a discovery and inference that made him creepy.

   It all comes from the peculiar smell that contains astringent aroma and blood.

   These two odors by themselves do not directly explain anything.

   However, what made Xu Hengchuan despair and grieved in his heart was that he was one of the few people who could tell that the fragrance was not a real fragrance.

When he was young, by coincidence, he accompanied the elders of his division to the northern Taichu Moyuan and his party, and by chance, he was able to see this extremely rare and vicious fragrance that is almost indistinguishable from the smell of agarwood—— The upper layer of peach and plum blossoms.

   Whether this incense is naturally produced or artificially synthesized has not yet been determined. The only known effect is depletion and cohesion.

   What dissolves is the essence, qi, god, bones, and flesh of human beings. As long as it is contaminated with a trace, whether it is an ordinary person or an ordinary monk, it will turn into a pool of blood in three moments.

  The condensed dissolving is the essence of the essence, vitality, and flesh in the blood water, that is to say, the essence of human beings including the gods and souls will be condensed together.

  In the realm of cultivation, there are many evil methods and magic skills that are practiced by using the blood of living people, such as killing people and bleeding to set up a large formation of blood pools.

   But this method only absorbs the essence of blood and vitality. Most victims can leave the whole body. No matter where they go, they will always be preserved to some extent. After the soul flies away, it also dissipates in the space of heaven and earth.

  The incense is different. Not only is it extremely painful and miserable in the process of dissolving, but the essence of the whole body is also solidified, and it is impossible to escape the ending of being used by others.

The name    is very beautiful. Keshan refers to death when it is stained. Layers of layers refer to being swallowed and dissolved from the outside to the inside. Peach and plum blossom refers to the color of blood and water.

   It stands to reason that this kind of scent can absorb the essence of human beings, and the extraction rate is extremely high. To some extent, it should help reduce killing, because the same harvest can be obtained without harming many people.

   The facts are just the opposite. As soon as this Xiangfu was born, he set off a **** storm in the world.

Because of its viciousness, it caused public outrage. The demon head and his gang that held this incense were eventually eliminated by monks from all sides. This incense was also listed as a taboo by the cultivation sect. Although it appeared occasionally for more than a thousand years, The users were immediately killed by force, and the source was scarce and mysterious, and gradually disappeared and unknown.

   Xu Hengchuan has another reason besides having encountered it once and knowing it.

   In the catastrophe of the seventeenth generation of Vientiane Gate, the enemy used the poison made with this incense as the main ingredient, and its name is "Hate people's heart is not as good as water".

   This medicine is different from incense. It is colorless, tasteless, invisible, and has no spiritual fluctuations. It is extremely difficult to prevent.

   Later, Vientiane has done a considerable amount of research, and only then has a better understanding of it, but it has never found a particularly effective way to prevent it.

   Since then, a warning has been passed down from the Vientiane Gate-wherever you find it, report it immediately and treat it as the most important thing.

   Although Xu Hengchuan is not a high-level figure, he comes from the line of Kaiyang Feng Dan Dao, and he is clear about this matter.

   At the beginning, he thought it was the smell of agarwood. With the deepening of suspicion and the **** aura, based on the several ways of distinguishing in the secret code in the door, he was 90% sure that this was the long-existed peach and plum flower on the upper layer of the shirt.

   As soon as he thought of this, Xu Hengchuan's heart trembled and his heart was burning, wishing he could stand his wings and fly back into the door.

But he immediately forced himself to calm down. I still don’t know what Jiang’s schemes are. But the peach, plum and flower fragrance alone is a crime of genocide. It also thinks that there is no one and blood in the mining areas along the way. Jiang’s family must be before noon tomorrow. What to accomplish.

   And the three of them came by accidentally and happened to hit this incident. It was a blessing to the door, and a life-and-death crisis for the three of them!

   My arrival should be unexpected by the other party, but the period of waiting in front of the door just now was enough for the Jiang family to make careful arrangements.

  Using taboos, once it is spread out, it will be an extermination. The Jiang family can't be ignorant, so waiting for the three of them must be a slaying game.

   As for Jiang She has been trying to delay the army, intending to drag it until tomorrow noon, it can only be the Jiang family master stumbled because of something, and there is not enough manpower and grasp to keep him.

  Comprehensively judge the situation, regardless of whether he sees it through, the Jiang family will definitely not let them go away safely, but the only way to do this is to start first, in order to fight for a chance.

   In the instant that he turned around, Xu Hengchuan had already passed the stakes in a flash, and he had a decision in his heart.

  Actually, he secretly planned for the worst, in other words, he has a cute death.

   turned around, there was no time to lament that this coming out might be the end of the death, Xu Hengchuan flipped his hand to Jiang She's shoulder.

   Seeing someone showing up to stop him, Xu Hengchuan's heart sank. Sure enough, the other party was prepared.

Xu Hengchuan can become the deacon of Lei Piandian in charge of foreign affairs, and his scheming and cultivation are naturally superior, but he does not think that he can resist the power of the entire Jiang family with a few strengths, even the Jiang Shehe in front of him. This strange and strong man, he thought he was not the enemy of the two together.

   took a step forward and landed on the ground to separate the golden yin and yang imperial fire technique. The ground cracked and collapsed. On one side, the Yang Huo forced the two strong enemies back, and the other side yin fire pushed Cao Jiashu and Hua Lanting into the yard, and at the same time, sounded a warning.

   Next, bursts of strong and unstable spiritual power waved from Xu Hengchuan's body.

   "It's not good, he wants to explode! Stand back." The stranger's expression changed, and he flashed back.

   At this time, from not far from the foot of the mountain, a blood-red beam of light flew up from the ground behind the house, and across the roof cover towards Xu Hengchuan across the night sky.

   Xu Hengchuan's figure shook in the beam of light for a few moments and then disappeared suddenly, reappearing next to him, his face flushed.

   This time, Xu Hengchuan's heart completely fell to the bottom.

No one wants to live. Although he is cute, he still has a fluke in case. As long as there is no other interference, in order to escape and return news to the door, even if he does not take care of Hua Lan Ting and Cao Jiashu, he will desperately die. Break through.

   Just now, he simulated the illusion that he was going to explode, in order to test the opponent's backhand arrangements, and the result was a formation attack.

   At this time, Xu Hengchuan's heart is determined, and he must be unlucky. The only thing he can do is to desperately cover the two disciples to escape and report.

   Fortunately, he also saw that the Jiang family was involved, and the number of people who could be dispatched was limited, and he was even reluctant to get hurt.

   This is the opportunity!

   There was no pause, and even after giving up his life, Xu Hengchuan was calmer than ever before. It was a state of inner grief and madness that had to let go of life and death, while the outside was calm and sober.

   He raised his hand to release the storm boat, and made a posture of fleeing from the roof hole.

   The strange master was really fooled, so he flew up and grabbed the rushing boat that was getting bigger and rushing into the air.

   This thing is also a rare treasure for him. It happens to be there, and it can also prevent Xu Hengchuan from escaping, so he is in the shape of electricity and jumped into the air.

   Xu Hengchuan wanted to lead him away, but he himself stopped the fake action, turned back and pounced on Jiang She, how could he keep his hand in the life and death, and he used the golden Yin Yang imperial fire technique to fight with all his strength.

Jiang She was shocked. His cultivation was roughly the same level as Xu Hengchuan’s. He was not much weaker, but his spells and martial skills were a lot worse. He was suppressed by Xu Hengchuan’s desperate aura, and he was shaken back for several steps under resistance. Minor injuries.

   Xu Hengchuan won the power and did not forgive people. He quickly struck three times in a series. After the hot fire wave, he was connected with the cold and cold spirit fire, and then the fire of yin and yang blended into a crit.

   Jiang She is also a master at any rate. For a moment, he was in a panic, embarrassed, and injured. He also survived a round of fierce attacks, and waited for the help of his companions.

   After seeing the man himself, he attacked Xu Hengchuan's back. Jiang She was in pain all over his body, and his breath was unstable. Without the courage to attack, he had to take a breath before retreating half a step.

  Unexpectedly, Xu Hengchuan did not pay attention to the opponent behind him, but went straight in the palace, bringing the sky full of flames.

   Jiang She was frightened, and his eyes were red. He retreated and then backed away, the fire curtain dissipated, and turned into a flaming short knife, which Xu Hengchuan swung obliquely.

   The strange master received the rushing boat and returned to help Jiang She, and hit Xu Hengchuan's vest with a heavy blow.

Xu Hengchuan suddenly accelerated and shot Jiang She's face with a mouthful of blood. A red mist and fire light gathered. Jiang She broke one of his elbows and was burned away before landing. The flame continued to melt his upper arm until he reached his shoulder. Extinguished.

   Jiang She was seriously injured and fell to the ground.

   Xu Hengchuan was seriously injured and turned around.

   The unfamiliar master got angry and turned into a scarlet spear, stabbing Xu Hengchuan in the air.

   Let’s talk about Cao Jiashu. Hearing Xu Hengchuan’s transmission, he immediately understood the seriousness of the situation.

   Knowing that the two of them could not help, he got up and pulled Hua Lan Ting after being swept into the courtyard, and ran towards the gate without looking back.

   It was too late, and Jiang’s disciples appeared and surrounded them on three sides.

   After a brief observation, Cao Jiashu chose the relatively few people on the right and rushed to Hua Lanting.

Obstructed on the way, Cao Jiashu didn't talk, and blatantly dropped the killer. A pair of golden scissors appeared out of nowhere. A disciple of the Jiang family passed the neck but did not avoid the tail of the scissors. He was cut open by the blade and the shoulder socket caused hemorrhage. , The blood spilled on Hua Lanting behind.

Although Hua Lanting has been mentally tense, his experience is not as rich as Cao Jiashu's after all, and he has not heard Xu Hengchuan's transmission has not let go and enters a state of full fighting. The blood started to wake up.

In this daze, Cao Jiashu wounded another person, blocked him with a sword gas, and saw someone in the West Wing, so he broke into the door with him, wanted to get through the broken window, and shouted to him: " On the front line of life and death, kill and kill!".

  Hua Lanting's vitality and blood circulated at high speed, his momentum was raised, and the leading cable appeared in his hand, following Cao Jiashu's forward, but he saw a person sitting in the corner of the room at a glance.

   is a woman.

   There was no light in the room. With Hualanting's eyesight and the moonlight coming through the door, he saw that this woman should be restrained, dressed in a commoner Jingchai, sitting in the corner of the wall.

   Hearing the sound, the woman has raised her head, her eyes are gray and godless, she is actually blind.

   Anxiously, he didn't even know the woman's face clearly, but Hua Lanting felt the blind woman's request for permission inexplicably.

  The chasing soldiers have approached the door, save or not?

   Without much thought, Hua Lanting used to slap off the restraint of the blind girl in the past with a short palm, and quickly said: "Run for your own life, they should not take care of you, and there will be no future."

   Before finishing talking, Hualanting will go after Cao Jiashu when he takes a step. It is also to attract the attention of Jiang's disciples to the blind girl.

Unexpectedly, when the restraint was released, the first action of the woman was to flip with both hands, grabbing his calf acupoints, and exerting so much force, Hua Lanting was shocked, but didn't get rid of it, but was pulled instead. Sit on the ground!

what's the situation? Is there such an ambush?

Hua Lanting was furious, probing his right palm, holding the blind woman's throat with his index finger on his backhand, and buckling the neck bone with the other four fingers. This is one of the thirty-six types of small captures in Shuangfeng Luohui Pavilion. To "love parting" with a secret hand, one must break his neck and insert his throat to save himself.


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